chapter 39

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It has been a while since all of us sat in the main hall, facing each other with nothing but controversial expressions. It is clear that no one of us knows the reason why we were summoned by Vivian to attend an urgent meeting. The only person along with her beta that seems to have answers to the queries that weighted down our minds at the moment.

A shoe clicks on the marble floor and we all roll our heads expecting the last member that we were waiting for.

My mate strides toward the sofas we're seated on, claiming a seat beside me. His arm twirls around my waist and he drags me closer to him. Unlike before, the blood is all washed out of his bronzed skin and he smells like soap.

"Your mom is safe in one of the rooms. She's getting checked out again by Laurine" he bends over to me and whispers calmly in my ear.

I exempt a long gust, relief finally slipping through me on this cursed day. My goal to tell my mom a convincing lie and keep her safe had known a terrible failure and I don't think that the reason for which we've been invited here is going to be pleasant at all.

Adrien stoops his face closer, displaying the kind of intimacy that is surely unsuitable for our current situation.

"The marks are gone" his green eyes linger around my neck as I realize that he's talking about the strangling imprints that Derek left on my neck.

Stephan clears his throat, urging me to push my clingy alpha a little further from me. The touchy-feely can wait for later.

"Well, since we're all here. Let's begin then" Vivian suggests, her beta standing behind her as usual. Only giving her a more controlling aura than the one she already manipulates on her own.

"Why is she here?" Adrien questions, his glares stabbing the unusual human in our usual crew. Mara glares back at him. Their gestures are only proving that their relationship is not going anywhere. Not in this life at least.

"Not that I hate the idea of throwing her in a werewolf's haunt and leaving her to get chewed to death" my mate sneers mockingly as I nudge him in the arm.

"Alpha please" Jay pushes out a small plea. The perils his own alpha landed on his mate are not amusing him in the slightest.

Poor jay. He's just like me, standing between two flames.

"I suggest you worry about yourself. I don't think you'll get to enjoy a peaceful life with my dad around if I go down" Mara jabs her eyebrows evenly, her blue eyes dwindling toward her adversary and rebel swimming valiantly inside of them.

I chain my mate's arm, using both of my hands and full of my power as he tries to jump on my best friend and start a war with me, his gamma, and conceivably the whole city. Jay, on the other hand, is trying to stop her from any possible venomous word that she would think of throwing, eliciting the alpha that I'm barely keeping in check.

I'm sure that Belle and Stephen are more than happy in this situation. Not having a mate is saving them a tremendous pain in the ass that they don't need. At least for now.

Vivian clears a long sigh, her blue eyes rolling in the back of her head.

"Well, I can say we don't have the most unified team ever. Only adds to our endless worries" her orifices roam the circle that our straddling bodies make.

"Mr. Smith is the chief, which gives him full control over every police department in the city. On normal conditions, Mr. Smith should be the one going with us to the assembly if we want to assert the fact that the blood pack has a friendly, diplomatic relationship with the city that it is paired with. But I don't think that your relationship with the chief is deep enough to make him do us such a favor. On the other hand, his daughter has a strong reason why she is willing to accompany us Since your Luna is her best friend" she explains, pointing a finger toward Mara.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now