chapter 11

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My arms clasp on Mara's curvy back. Her clinginess toward me resembles that of a little girl toward a mother that she hasn't seen for quite some time. Despite not always being in total agreement about all things, Mara is the sister I've never been graced with. Our relationship is incredibly strong that not having the same blood has never been a barrier. One of the things that I'm truly grateful to have.

I pull her back slowly and peek at her face that I haven't seen for a week. Her ocean eyes are swallowed and her face is bare and tired. She exchanges short glances with me before she decides to give one of the werewolves in the room one hell of a fight.

"who the fuck do you think yourself?" she frees her yelled whispers as she shoves the pointer of her finger onto his chest.

"I don't know what you want and I honestly don't care, I'm taking her back with me whether you like it or not, she won't stay with you" angrily, she decides on her own that my stay here has reached a definitive end. She holds my hand in hers and prepares herself to drag me behind her, right through the way she came through.

Adrien however, is not sharing her same ideas, his hostility awakens and his trots advance forward. He snatches my other hand and uncurtains his canines threateningly.

"you're not taking her anywhere, she's mine and what's mine will stay in my pack"

The once dead silent room echoes with commotion, as they don't bother keeping the volume of their voices in check.

"I don't think so. She's not staying with an abusive jerk like you" she scowls as she drags me closer to her.

I only stand quietly between them. Along with Jay, we watch as stress escalates and shows no signs of dying down anytime soon.

Mara isn't the type to give up what she decided on, and standing up to a guy that finds it difficult to keep his temper where it should be. What awaits this conversation has already been decided to be disastrous.

Adrien's eyes glow gold and whatever awful memories nested in my memory snaps me out of my stillness.

"OOH, what? Are you going to manhandle me now?'' My best friend, being spared of what happened to me last time his eyes started to glow, doesn't drop her successful attempt to get on his hot nerves.

His fingers tighten around my wrist, and I gasp silently.

This needs to stop.

"I can't really blame you, y'all are animals anyway, violence is all you can think of"

Jay's face jumps into the background of my view frame, hurt and shameful, I realize that it was a grave mistake for her to say that.

Adrien shortens the gap between them with one extended trot. I slide myself between them and deter him from whatever he is trying to do. I doubt he'll hurt me, and by far, I'm confident that, against him, I'll be safer than my best friend.

"Can we calm the fuck down both of you" I place my palm of his rigid chest, trying to push him slightly backward. The closer they are, the more dangerous it is. His body offers no compromises of budging from its place. My eyes connect with his gold gleaming ones.

Every cell in me flinches back. It is going to take some time me to forget what happened. Not wanting to push his luck, Adrien stands back, responding to my audible discomfort.

"Can I have a moment with my friend?" I merely murmur, hoping to get a distant approval. "Privately" I add, using whatever leverage I've realized I have on the frighteningly bulked man.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now