chapter 53

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I can feel her confusion building up in her up and down heaved chest. However, she says nothing as she confirms that she is already trotting on her way back to the hall. Sesil doesn't know the steps that the assembly goes by, there was not enough time to teach her about everything. We barely made it by the minimum of information that she should obligatorily have. And I'm the one to condemn for that. I've assumed that she would take on the duties of a Luna but not be introduced to the whole werewolf world. I never wanted this kind of life for her. Yet I found myself forced to thrust her into this havoc if I want to furnish her with survival.

Soon after, her curvy body walks toward me. Although I can feel her tenseness, she still manages to run smoothly through the crowd that is watching her as if she is the only person in the room.

"I'm here" she notifies as she finally reaches me. The air that she prisoned in her lungs to keep her body upright is now being thumped off hastily.

I bring my arm and latch them on her waist, prisoning her frail fixture against mine and also forcing the rude gazes to stop haunting her every budge.

We move along with every invited guest at the party. The council members are moving toward the table and the rest are moving in proximity to witness the meeting.

Whatever has always been discussed in the council is for the council to decide on being public or private but the things that are debated in the assembly are automatically public. Decisions that every head of every pack is rightful of knowing.

"How is belle?" I ask the little being that is impulsively clinging to me. I want to get her mind off the confusion swirling around everything she has in sight, and I also want to genuinely know about Belle's condition. Until now, I'm still questioning myself if bringing her here had been a good choice. She decided on her own but I had the power to keep her put back in the pack if I wanted to.

I hope that I haven't made a grave mistake by letting her choose for herself.

"I don't know" Sesil answers, keeping her eyes on our route "as lacking as I'm of what happened to her, I can't really tell what she is feeling" she halts, and wrests her lips in a repugnant, thin line "but she seems... in pain. So much in pain"

Of course, she is. Her nightmares have been resurrected.

As we all squat around the round table. A serious feeling of regret hits my senses. I should've not come here.

It has been nine years since the last time that I sat on this damn table, but everything is still engraved in my memory. Oliver might no longer be between us but those cruel gazes aren't as much gone. It is even worse this time, since it is no longer only me, standing in front of their unjust prejudice.

With me in, four alpha finally take their spots, along with their Lunas if they ever have ones.

Vivian sits at the head, Jacob keeps guard on her. The head is the spot reserved for the year's host.

One minute later, her Luna, Sara, takes a seat beside her, holding a three years old child. It is the first time that I'm seeing the Luna. I've only heard stories about the love Nolan used to hold for her. And now as I see her, holding her unyielding eyes on every alpha as she walks in with his kid between her steady hands, I can't see why he wouldn't.

Lucian sits on his own across from me and Sesil. Dustin is accompanied by that dull she-wolf he has for a Luna. The woman comes off oddly frightened as if she is afraid of the man sitting on her left. Her weight is dwindled on itself, afraid of making what the man beside her would consider a wrong move.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now