chapter 8

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My legs lead me straight to the alpha's office after I finish my patrol and checking out on Sesil. once my eyes land on him sitting his large body on his chair, talking on the phone while rubbing his forehead in frustration, I know immediately that he is talking with Mr. Smith, the city's chief police.

He side-eyes me breaking through his office before cutting the phone call.

"is he still nagging about Damon's incident?" I ask him before throwing myself on the cozy couch across from his messy desk.

He rubs his eyes and relaxes in his chair, letting the weight of his head fall behind his body.

"Damon's matter is just a drop in my problems ocean with him" he halts, closing his eyes momentarily. his figure is giving clear vibes of fatigue.

"he won't stop talking about the murder cases he receives lately, I did take a look on the files and it is indeed a werewolf who did it. I should've killed all of them when I had the chance"

He chuckles as a brief idea crosses his mind.

"I wonder what his reaction will be when he knows that I'm taking a human as my Luna, we'll be lucky if he didn't file a lawsuit against us and took us to court"

His laugh deepens but only short-live as he gets up from his seat. A short noise comes out from his phone, announcing that he received a message.

My facial expression tenses in concern when I see the blood draining out of his face.

I keep tracing his facial movement to get the slightest information I can extract, to figure out what is happening. My eyes go up from his rigid hand crashing the phone on the surface of his desk, sending its shattered pieces all over the place, to reach his eyes changing color from their natural green color to bright gold. His wolf is out.

"where is she right now?" he urges, pulling his lips into a thin line.

"The Luna?" I ask in confusion.

Why is he asking about her? more importantly what did he receive in that message that made him edgy like this? there were only a few times that I've testified the alpha get extremely angry to the extent of losing control of his wolf for various reasons. the only thing in common between them all, is that the outcome was never good.

He nodes.

"I have checked on her fifteen minutes ago, they told me that she is in the mall shopping with her friend Mara, why? is there any problem alpha?"

"Gather some men, we're going to get her"

"But" I open my mouth only to be immediately turned down when he glares at me. this isn't alpha Adrien talking, this is his wolf, the alpha wolf talking, there is no way I can argue with him.

His growl makes my own wolf shrink back in submission.

I only nod and leave to do as I was told.


"let's go get something to eat, I'm starving," I beg in a childish manner, bringing my hands to my stomach.

Mara asked me to take a stroll with her in the mall since she wanted to buy new clothes and add them to that gigantic stock she already has at home.

"you're always starving sis, who would ever guess looking at that body of yours! that you're eating like a dinosaur, "she replies, running her eyes around the place to decide what store should we check out next.

I stand in front of her as she starts moving toward the store that she decided on, deterring her from brutalizing my poor feet any more than this.

"I swear to god Mara, that I'm not moving one single muscle if we aren't going to a restaurant to get something to eat, we've been checking clothing shops for hours, my fucking toes are numb, I need a break and food"

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now