chapter 16

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My new superhuman-doglike-sniffing ability warns me that Adrien did not step inside this room last night. I've already spent my sleep having the worst, stressful night ever, and the fact that he's not here for some unknown reason is only adding to the swell of anxiety growing in the depth of my heart. I can't quite remember what I had spent my night dreaming of, but I can say it was closer as it can be to a nightmare..

Taking a quick shower, I brush my teeth and dry my hair. I eye the drawers as they surprisingly hold the long taken into custody phone of mine, placed on the top of it.

Sighing on whatever gloom-ridden anticipation that my head is unable to flicker off, I take a look at my schedule for today and only sigh again.

Two long hours of financial accounting. How charming!

I wear a black, tied short t-shirt, short sleeves and round neck, taking the risk of leaving the biting mark plainly visible on the edge of my neck. I slide white jeans shorts and shelter my feet into white sneakers. Applying some mascara and glossy red lipstick, I leave the room and stride quickly toward the kitchen. Nothing is more tempting than food, when it comes to fixing a fatalistic beginning of a day.

Once I enter the kitchen, Jay's enlightened face peeks inside of the room, sipping on his coffee with one hand and flipping the newspapers using the other.

"About time I suppose, Luna" giving me only one smiling side of his face, he greets as he flips another page. I sit at the table after I greet him back.

"Let me guess, you're my escort for the day" I half roll my eyes in a childish manner, sounding as casual as my voice allows me to.

"Well, sort of "

"don't you think it is excessive" I ask, opening the fridge and sliding out a bottle of orange juice.

"what is?" he places the journals down and steers his body toward me.

"this is" my hands jabs aggressively that I almost drop my filled cup. Squatting on the same table, I place the cup down and save it from my potential recklessness. I've been dropping cups on any affordable occasion lately "I'm going to the university, not to a war zone"

Jay eyes me for a long moment before he drops his eyes down to the table "you can never be too overprotective when it comes to people you love" he says in a surprisingly tender voice, as if he understands what he says, as if he is speaking from a vivid experience. As far as I know, Jay has no mate, yet.

"besides" he leans closer, planning to drop a forbidden whisper. I comply, bringing my ear closer "please don't take my chance in doing my job away from me. The alpha hardly lets me do anything concerning his protection. His stubborn, prideful ass can never allow it. You don't know how much I had been excited to finally have a Luna. Someone I can keep an eye on, you know. I really need to do my damn job"

Dragging my head further, I stare at the hints of seriousness pulling his features rigidly and I can only laugh.

"okey" Scaling my hands in surrender, he also relaxes his face and joins me in my laughter.

We continue our vibrant discussion as we leave the packhouse. Heading toward his BMW car, I open the door, settling my body in the front seat while he takes the driver seat. Putting his hands on the diving wheel, I buckle myself up and take it the growl that the engine makes as it ultimately starts.

"Is Adrien busy?" I ask, no longer able to hide both of my curiosity and my frustration in check.

His reflected side-eying peek takes a place in the little mirror, for a few moments before he finally decides to speak.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now