chapter 13

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"Why don't you go get some rest? I'll follow you after I finish what I have left" he suggests, running his eyes throughout the content of his laptop's shiny screen.

I nod, picking the books and preparing to exit his office with exhausted, slow-pacing trots. I suddenly stop in the middle of my way out and swing my body back at him.

"Where was the room again?" I ask, somewhat sheepish. I've always had a terrible sense of direction.

He smiles "the second floor on which we're currently in, walk straight until you attain the last room"

"Thanks" I word before leaving.

Once I reach the room, I close the door behind me and put the books on the little black table placed beside the bed. Preparing to take a shower, I check pessimistically for what to wear. Being kidnapped doesn't exactly give you the chance to pack your things up. I'll probably wear some of Adrien's clothes again. Which I don't mind. They smell like him and he smells ecstatic.

My train of ideas cuts short as soon as I set my eyes on brand new, feminine clothes in the wide-open dresser. I don't think those belong to him, they won't fit him.

"Use these for now" Adrien says a little note attached to a clothing's fabric.

I pick two-piece light blue pajamas and head toward the shower. A shower is so urgently needed.

I don't take too long before getting out, My body and my hair wrapped in white small towels.

I put on my pajamas and hurl my tired body on the bed. They might not be his clothes but they smell like him, everything smells like him as it is his room.

My eyes drift, blackening my view.


I put my glasses down, rubbing my itchy eyes aggressively. It is almost midnight; she should be sleeping by now and I'm starting to think that sleeping in another room might not be such a bad idea after all. I'm not the patient kind and I'm sure she has already made sure of that. In many different ways.

Her tiny body and her spiked-up personality has many other dimensions that I'm more than thrilled to unwrap. Having a mate has never been a thing that I urged my rotten luck for. A mate means a new person to fear for, a weakness that enemies can use against you and she is, she is my weakness. The more I get to know her, the more she gets potent in that regard.

I shut off my laptop and head toward my room. Once I open the door, my eyes snag her small body thrown messily on the bed.

Taking a quick shower, I slide myself gently, seeking to conserve her peaceful numbness. Yet, she still rustles, making arousing moans.

I should've just slept in another room.

As soon as I succeed in stabilizing my body besides her, I slide my arm around her waist. She turns around, still deep asleep; she faces me and mumbles non-understandable words.

She must be dreaming.

She clings her little fingers on my t-shirt, and nuzzles her tiny head in my chest, instantly relaxing her body. My scent has an alleviating fallout on her, lesser by a lot than the one hers has on me.

I want her to stay by my side.

But will she? When she knows what kind of men, I'm.


An extra weight hovers on my waist. My eyes slowly burst open, checking out what might have been keeping me pinned in my place the whole night. A werewolf's snoozy face sneaks into my view. His toned arm holding me firmly in his sturdy embrace like boughs.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now