Chapter Twenty Two

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Third Person's POV

[A/N: guys, I missed you! ]

Jimin found himself smiling while looking at the sky silently. He was immensely impressed. Not once he thought of simping over a guy. Jimin was wondering what will happen if Jungkook goes back to states.

"Jimin-hyung," Jimin chuckled and bit his lower lip as he heard his voice. Jimin didn't dare to even take a glimpse of the younger instead focus his gaze in front, staring over nothing. Jungkook approaches, Jimin saw in his peripheral vision, Jungkook sat beside him.

"Don't act as if you didn't hear me." Jungkook complained. Jimin glances at the younger and smiled and let himself drawn into the way Jungkook looked at him. The younger is looking at him as if he's staring right into Jimin's soul kind of way. Jimin avoided his gaze and darted his gaze on the younger's lips.

Jimin was reminded of his pet Kkyu that he bought few days ago.

"Your graduation is a month away, right?" Jungkook asked snapping out Jimin. The older met Jungkook's gaze and nodded his head.

"Good timing," Jungkook said satisfied. Jimin furrowed his brows and it was Jungkook who faced away.

"I'll attend your graduation," Jimin instantly smiled, "Probably our last meeting too." Jimin's smile fell.

Jungkook... What have you done to me?

"What the hell is this? You invited me to work out here in the park just to stare at the sky? What nonsense is this? Hun, you better not!" Seokjin complained at his younger brother staring at him as if he was betrayed by him.

"Hyung," Jimin called out, Seokjin instantly listen to what might Jimin say.

"How do you make a person stay?" Jimin saw how his brother's expression change into surprise one. Seokjin looked very puzzled.

"Why are you asking me this?" Seokjin asked him weird out. Jimin's lips twitches into a smile. Seokjin let himself sit beside his younger brother and darted his gaze at different direction.

"Well, they won't leave if they have enough reason to stay."

"Reason to stay?" Jimin asked innocently, Seokjin hummed.

"What if Taehyung gets bored of you." Jimin doesn't know why he asked this but it was the first thing that came into his mind.

"Nah, that young man is so into me, my face is more than enough for him to stay." Jimin scoffed and Seokjin heard that, he glared at his younger brother.

"Are you that confident?"

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now