Chapter Sixteen

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Third Person's POV

Jimin stopped walking when he saw Namjoon. He was leaning against his car as if waiting for someone but Jimin kept walking and walked passed him, but he had to speak causing Jimin to stop.

"He left first, you're coming with me." He informed the younger. Okay, Jimin tell himself and walked over but he spoke again. He's a nuisance, Jimin said at the back of his head.

"Come with me." Jimin stared at him and shook his head, no need, in his mind. But Namjoon didn't catch that because he opened the car door.

"Look I am not doing this because I want to, okay? Jungkook asked me so come on." It echoed as he looked down on Jimin, the latter raised his eyebrows, and this is my fault? Jimin asked himself.

Jimin stick his tongue out to piss him off and he runs away from him.

Jimin is breathing heavily catching his breath as he steps inside their Uni. Someone suddenly offered him water, Jimin didn't think twice and took it immediately.

"Since you accepted my help I have some questionsㅡ" Jimin suddenly spit out what he was drinking on the said man's face. He heard him groan in disgust and realized that Taehyung was in front of him and he was the one who gave Jimin the bottled water.

"Jimin, what the fuck?" Jimin gasped and took a step away.

Taehyung quickly took off his handkerchief and wiped his face. He harshly threw his handkerchief and then he approached Jimin closely. Will this person hurt me? Try me, Jimin thought, he will make sure Taehyung wouldn't be able to get close to his older brother.

"Hey! Hey!" Jimin heard Jaebum's voice, and then the three of them stood in front of him shielding him from the threat, which happen to be Taehyung.

To this day Jimin still do not know the intention of these three, isn't it too early if he conclude that their intentions may not be bad? They were always there but they never try to harm the younger.

"Oh, what we have here? The three stupid bullies!" Taehyung spat out, raising a brow, annoying the three.

"Bully? You're the one who's about to throw hands at Jimin!" Jackson shouted to him. Jimin looked at them silently, observing and mocking them internally.

"Fighting? Excuse me? Am I fighting him?" Taehyung asked, "Look, if you have nothing to do with your useless life, just get lost." He said to them and Jin-young clenched his jaw.

"Useless? Says the one who loses the game yesterday! Losers! Worthless! Players!" Jin-young barks, Jackson and Jaebum laugh at it. Are they really adults? They sounds like a kid just fighting over a toy seriously the whole conversation are stupid.

"Losers? Worthless?" Taehyung was about to attack and hit one of the three when Namjoon suddenly intervened. Once again he enters the scene, Jimin want to leave because of him but he want to see what will happen next. Jimin doesn't know but out of the blue, he suddenly cares.

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