Chapter Eleven

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Third Person’s POV

Jungkook closed the gate and looked around him carefully, hoping he would see the latter approaching or waiting for him. Jungkook chuckle dryly and shook his head, Jimin made it clear for him that he doesn’t need a friend.

Too bad though, the younger do really want to take good care of him. After the incident, Jungkook swore to himself that he will take Jimin as his responsibility, he wanted to be his guardian, his protector. Jungkook knew he was exaggerating but he can’t help but to feel sort of things after learning Jimin was mute.

After Jungkook learned Jimin couldn’t talk, it had affected him badly it doesn’t also help the fact that he had treated Jimin badly that night.

Jungkook regretted that and until now every time he remembers that moment he feels guilty. With one last glance, Jungkook turned on his heels and walk up.

Jungkook was in front of their University, he didn’t enter, again hoping he would see him. Jungkook wanted to check on him first before he start his day, it’s funny how it does reminds him of a thing that a parents would do, wanting to see their child first before they finally feel at ease.

“Jaykayyy!” Jungkook glance over Hoseok and return back his smile.

“Waiting for me?” He asked him happily, Jungkook smirk before shaking his head.

“Ah, don’t do me dirty like that, you really waited for me, didn’t you?” Hoseok insisted and Jungkook knew he was only joking. Jungkook laughs at him in response.

Hoseok wrapped his arm around his shoulder, “Let’s go inside!” He told Jungkook, the younger look around one last time and didn’t expect to finally see Jimin approaching.

Jungkook saw how Jimin’s eyes widen after spotting him. Jungkook wants to call out his name, want to approach him but Jungkook knows too well Jimin wouldn’t appreciate that.

But there’s something about Jimin that caught his attention, Jimin looks like he wanted to reach out for him, eyes doesn’t leave Jungkook as if he want to talk to him.

“Jungkook, let’s go.” Jungkook was the first one to look away as Hoseok dragged him inside.

Jungkook walked inside the room and met with Taehyung who’s busy on his phone, Jungkook took out his phone as well, check his phone hoping for new messages but there’s none.


Jungkook glances over the latter’s way, Taehyung still had his eyes fix on his phone.

“I already ask him out.” Taehyung says dropping his phone and finally looks at the younger.

“And what did he tell you? Did he agreed to it?” Taehyung smirked. Jungkook doesn’t need to be told, Taehyung smile says it all.

“The only thing I need to do now is befriend his younger brother.” Jungkook frowned.

“Brother?” Taehyung hummed.

“Yeah, and he’s attending this University too. Need to befriend him to know more about Seokjin.” He says laughing.

“I’m too smart, yeah?” Jungkook scoff and gave him a force smile.

“But the problem is, his younger brother doesn’t like me, despises me even.” Taehyung mumbled and it catches the younger’s attention, Jungkook arch his brow.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now