Chapter Thirty Two

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Third Person's POV

Jungkook stared at the room number before gazing back at Jimin, the smaller faces him. Jimin grabbed his things that was carried by Jungkook and smiled.

"Thank you." Jungkook smiled and shake his head, "No worries, get inside." He tells him, motioning Jimin to get inside, Jimin smiled.

Jimin turned his back and hold the doorknob, Jungkook turned on his heels as well. Jimin bit his lower lip and looked at Jungkook, he grabbed his arm taking Jungkook by surprise. Jimin is staring at the younger worried.

"Go home safely." Jimin almost whispered. Jungkook chuckles and pat Jimin's left cheek lightly, Jimin's heart beat sped up when Jungkook did that.

"I can handle myself, no need to worry." Jungkook assured him and drop his hand from touching the smaller. Jungkook left afterwards.

Jimin let out a sigh, as he holds himself from breathing earlier, cheeks warming up to his entire face. Jimin closed the door and laughed what Jungkook did earlier still playing in his mind. Jimin slowly placed his palm on his cheeks, tracing where Jungkook touched him.


"Good Morning, Hyung." Seokjin smiled at him, and softly mumble his reply. Seokjin is looking at the smaller with a wide smile. He's confuse to why Jimin is looking differently right now, he also notices how blooming Jimin is right now.

"How are you feeling right now?"Jimin asked the older. Instead of questioning Jimin back, Seokjin kept silent about it and answered the younger.

"I am feeling a little discomfort but I'm fine." Seokjin explained to the younger and Jimin nods.

Jimin stood up from his seat and opened his bag, pulling Seokjin's phone out. He hand it over him after.

"Here's your phone." Seokjin took it.

Seokjin sighs staring at his notifications, majority of the missed calls were from Taehyung, some are from his boss and his parents. Seokjin locked his phone and stared back at Jimin, they were looking at each other.

"Jimin-ah, I'm hungry."

Jimin help out the older to sit properly, Jimin placed the small table on the bed before putting his bowl of food above. Seokjin's face brightens up.

"I am going to finish this up." Seokjin said smiling before taking a bit.

After eating, Seokjin placed his hand over his stomach. Jimin smiled at that, as he finds it amusing. His Hyung surely loves eating so much.

"When will I leave this place?" Seokjin asked, Jimin looked at him apologetically.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now