Chapter Nine

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Third Person's POV

Jimin is awkwardly sitting across from him. Jungkook had brought the smaller male in a Milk Tea Shop, he mentioned that he want to know Jimin more hence he invited the smaller male for drink. Jungkook puts the tray on the table and gives Jimin his Milk Tea, Jimin only stared at the latter until he settles himself on his seat.

"Oh I bought these for you." Jungkook says, Jimin followed his movements as Jungkook took out a mini whiteboard with pen and erasure.

Jimin's expression instantly fell down while looking at the stuff Jungkook bought for him.

Jimin slowly clasped his hands gesturing the other male how sorry he was and slowly open his mouth to apologize,

"I'm sorry."

But it came out as a whisper, almost no sound coming out from his mouth, Jimin tries to say sorry again but Jimin isn't sure if the taller male heard him.

The taller male's face softens.

Jungkook didn't hear Jimin's voice that night and like everyone else Jungkook thought Jimin was mute. Jimin understood now where his kindness was coming from. Jimin knew it was out of pity but he didn't expect that Jungkook did all of these because he thought Jimin have disability.

Jimin smiled faintly, if Jungkook knew about him having no disability he will never treat Jimin the same way.

"Use this." Jungkook cuts in, Jimin accepts it.

"I'm 21 years old, how about you?" He starts, Jimin write down his answer and showed it to him, "23 y.o" Jungkook nod and sips his drinks.

"You're older than me, huh." Jungkook says chuckling and amused, "Wah, I did not expect this." He said and leaned backward against his chair, head shaking while looking at Jimin with interest.

"You're older than me yet stalking me? I deadass thought you're my hoobae since you acted like one." Jungkook continued in disbelief.

Jimin smiled in amusement and lowered down his head to hide his face. How will Jimin start this, how can he tell Jungkook that all this time he's thinking wrongly of Jimin.

"You know what's more surprising? Instead of stalking the popular ones, you chose to stalk me." Jungkook says eyes crinkling.

Did it touch his ego? Was he hinting Jimin that he's happy about knowing someone got interested on stalking him even though he's not popular? Jimin sip his drink, smiling.

Since Jungkook had helped him. Jimin will let this slide and will keep the whole truth from Jungkook. The smaller will let him think that he was indeed stalking Jungkook.

"Can you tell me the reason why did you do that?" Jungkook asked curious.

Jimin wrote down, "I saw you one time hanging with them and got curious." Jimin showed it to him and Jungkook nods as he read his response.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now