Chapter Thirty Seven

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Third Person's POV

When Jungkook heard the sound of the gate opening he straightened himself immediately and as soon as Jimin's body turned to him, the older stopped upon noticing his presence but Jimin is not looking at him even though they are facing each other, Jungkook duck his head down to level his eyes with Jimin.

The smaller male only bows his head a little acknowledging him and walked past Jungkook. The smile on the young man's lips suddenly disappeared and he tilted his head in confusion. His gaze followed Jimin, suddenly what happened last night came to his mind. Jungkook sensed something was wrong last night, but he didn't pay much attention to it especially when he saw the two of them together. Jimin is avoiding Jungkook, obviously. He didn't know what the reason was and he needed to know that.

Jungkook just quietly followed behind. He was smiling now as he watched the young man, he's two years older than him yet he's a little small. He couldn't help but to think that even though it wasn't the right time for it.

Jimin stopped in his track and Jungkook stopped as well. He was expecting Jimin to turn and look at him but that didn't happen. He continued walking, they only stopped when the traffic light suddenly turned red. Jungkook took a step forward to stand beside Jimin, their shoulders were touching. Jungkook pressed his lips in a tight line, hesitant to talk to Jimin. He bit his lip and looked at his side, Jimin is staring at the road with blank face, Jungkook felt scared for a second nonetheless he still opened his mouth to speak.

"Hyung—" He was cut off when suddenly someone ran into them from behind, he then glared at the person who's walking in front of him before he looked at Jimin, worrying over Jimin who has a high chance of tripping because whether Jimin admits it or not, he's clumsy. Jungkook instinctively held Jimin's wrist, Jimin swat Jungkook's hand rudely, and hurriedly ran across the road.

Jungkook was shocked by what Jimin did, he looked at his own hand and stare at Jimin who hurriedly walked away from him. Though he didn't admit it, it was written all over his face how he was affected by what Jimin did. The older was making him feel as if he despises Jungkook.

When they entered the Uni he stopped following Jimin and just let him walk alone to his class. He was about to gaze away when he saw three men following Jimin and they looked familiar to him. Eventually he followed them out of curiosity.

"Are you okay?" He heard one questioned him.

Jimin didn't stop and just kept walking. "Jimin, we were the one who took care of you when you were drunk, won't you even thank us?" He questioned once more.

Jungkook arched his brow, seemingly curious about what happened to Jimin when the other guy mentioned that he got drunk.

Suddenly Jimin stopped walking, they all stopped including Jungkook. Jimin looked at them but it was obvious on his face that he was not interested in talking to the three, Jungkook can't help but smile. Now he remembered, he was wearing the same facial expression when he first saw him in the bleachers, the three were so loud that caught his attention, and when he turned to look, he saw Jimin.

"Thank you." He said emotionless but his eyes widened when he saw Jungkook standing now behind the three.

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