Chapter Five

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Third Person's POV

Jimin gripped tightly on his sling bag when he noticed that the three bully were following him behind. They still tailing him behind, Why do they have to add on his problems? Jimin asked himself annoyingly. He stop walking and turned to look at them.

Jimin snorted. They all turn around with their back facing Jimin, pretending that they were looking at something else. They really think low of Jimin and thought Jimin wouldn't notice huh, Jimin quickly turn his back on them and immediately walk up.

Jimin sigh deeply before he run off. He curses internally when they did the thing, Jimin double his speed and suddenly thinks of running off to the Parking lot. Jimin hides himself in the back of a car, he sat down and silently waits for them to get lost.

Jimin inhaled sharply and closed his eyes.

"Where is he?"

"For sure he's hiding, what do you expect we run after him ofcourse he would be hella scared."

"You should've talk to him properly."

"How can we do that? He's avoiding us."

Jimin sighs in relief when he heard their footsteps walking away. He didn't move and let them get disappear completely. If Jimin is wrong about having an assumptions where his Hyung bribe them with money, is it possible that they need something from Jimin hence they are befriending him and following him around?

Just by the thought of it makes Jimin nervous.

"What are you doing?"

Jimin look up at the voice. His eyes widened when he saw Namjoon, he's standing in front of him. The smaller only stared at him, Namjoon pulled his brows together.

"I'm going to repeat myself, what are you doing?" Namjoon asked and this time voice irritated, Jimin stayed silent.

"Who are you talking to?"

Namjoon and Jimin look over to where the sound came from. Jimin's eyes widens again when their eyes met. The dark haired male furrowed his brows as he look at Jimin, completely confused.

"What are you up to?" Namjoon asked Jimin, ignoring his friend's question.

Jimin felt shy all of a sudden from seeing the other male, Jimin avoids looking at them and waits for them to leave because he doesn't have any plan on leaving first.

"Let's go." Jimin heard him tells Namjoon.

"I'm still talking to him." Namjoon said firmly to his friend.

"Don't mind him and let's go." He retorts back.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now