Chapter Fifty Two

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Third Person's POV

Taehyung smiled as he watched Namjoon coming out from Jimin's house. The older didn't seem to notice him either as he walked towards his car to opened it, that's when he steps in to make his presence noticeable.

"Namjoon-hyung." Namjoon turned to him. Surprisingly, he looked at him and turned to look at Jimin's house.

"What brings you here?" Namjoon asked now staring at Taehyung, "Just checking my brother in law, Hyung." Namjoon laughed at him. Taehyung ignored it as he smiled back and watched his wasted friend.

"You?" Namjoon asked him in disbelief. "Taehyung-ah, stop the act. Since when did you care?" Taehyung smirked at the older man and wet his lips, completely invested in how Namjoon is acting right now.

"How so, Hyung?"

"You hate him, dumbass." He answered, and now Taehyung was a laughing mess. "You and Jungkook picked on him." Taehyung laughed at him again, turning his back away from the latter and touching his stomach.

Taehyung straightened up himself and gave the older man a look. "I was wondering why you two were avoiding me. Of course, the reason was none other than Jimin himself." He said to him amusingly.

"I knew you liked him but Jungkook." Taehyung pointed this out and gave Namjoon an insulting smile. Namjoon shifted his gaze, avoiding to look at the younger and that made Taehyung smile broadly.

"Every time you look at Jimin, have you ever tried to look at who he's looking at?" Namjoon glared at Taehyung but eventually looked away, clenching his jaw.

Of course Namjoon knew...

The first time he saw that was when Jungkook tied Jimin's shoelaces. Jimin was staring at him fondly, blushing profusely, but then his smile faded away as soon as he met Namjoon's gaze.

"You knew it. You know, I never doubted you. You're smart." Taehyung praised him. "Still, you took the risk. Who would have thought that Jungkook would like him back? Even I was surprised." Taehyung bursts out laughing yet again and Namjoon lose it. He approached him and pulled him by the collar, teeth clenching.

"You're a fucking cunt, you know that? Shut up." Namjoon warned him sternly, his eyes darkening. His friend just smiled in response, so he pushed Taehyung away and turned away from him.

Namjoon hurriedly entered the car and started the engine. Taehyung just stared at him until he was completely gone.

The smile on his lips also disappeared.

Taehyung looked at the gate of the house that was still open. He went inside, and found Jimin coming out of the main door, holding a dustpan. When his presence was noticed, he smiled at him and waved at the young man.

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