Chapter Twenty Eight

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Third Person's POV

"Wasn't that our Jiminie?"

Jin-young asked the two, they were standing across from where Jimin was, he was inside the restaurant. The two got curious and stare at where Jinyoung was staring at.

"Are you sure? It doesn't look like him though." The other one said and Jaebum rolled his eyes.

"Jackson I know your vision isn't that good. Of course you won't see him, you idiot." Jaebum snaps at his twin and shifted his gaze back to the said male.

"Why is he outside at this hour?" Jinyoung asked.

"You're a hypocrite, aren't we just the same?" Jaebum lashes.

"I don't think it's Jimin." Jackson argued.

"Let's get closer and confirm then." Jaebum suggested and Jackson scoffed.

"Of course, we are talking about Jimin here." Jackson joked.

"What's wrong with being attentive to our younger bro?" Jaebum spat out.

"Younger bro, tss."

Jimin was confused when he felt eyes on him, he stared at the glass wall and saw the three of them standing outside, Jackson and Jaebum waved at him, Jimin just stared at them for a while before shifting his gaze back to his table.

The two looked at him in dismay, disappointed that he ignored them once again while Jinyoung just kept on staring at Jimin.

"He's drinking alcohol." Jinyoung said, the three observed him and Jackson speaks out, "and he looks drunk as well." He pointed out.

"Jimin-ah! It's too early to drink, the fuck?! Go home!" Jackson shout, as he realizes he could not hear him he motioned him to leave and that caught Jimin's attention. Jimin looked at him and he's following Jackson's movement and for some reason, Jimin felt annoyance swell in him and grab the lettuce, threw it against the glass wall.

Jackson step back as he flinches at that and stared at his twins, "Did I angry him?" The two just look at him as if he's a complete idiot for not realizing how obvious the answer was.

"Did you see that? He didn't hesitate to hurt me!" Jackson complained, feeling hurt. While Jaebum just looking at him questioning how this stupid hardheaded idiot became his twin.

"And be thankful that there's a huge glass wall in between us." Jin-young points out, before pulling out his phone and dialed Seokjin's number, Jaebum looked at him confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling Seokjin-hyung." He said and pressed his phone against his ear, he steps away and Jaebum looked at Jimin again.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now