Chapter Seven

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Third Person's POV

"What took you so long to come home?" Jimin was met by the older male's rant, Jimin immediately ran over him and hug his Hyung, Seokjin looked at the person who was with his younger brother with puzzled expression.

"What's wrong?" Seokjin asked but the younger male only hugged him tightly. Jimin just wanted to feel safe in his Hyung's embrace, Seokjin worriedly look down at his brother.

"He's so close of getting hit by the car." Seokjin's eyes widen and look back at the person in front of him.

A moment of silence had passed...

Seokjin was having a hard time from taking the information, he protectively hugs his brother back.

"And I assumed you helped my younger brother?" Seokjin break out the silence and the other male only hummed in response, Seokjin offers the latter a faint smile.

"Thank you." Seokjin said softly, Jungkook smiled back.

"No worries. I'll be going now." The younger says politely and Seokjin nods. Jimin didn't look back at the other male and only waited for him to go.

The dark haired male looks back at Jimin before looking back at Seokjin motioning he will be going, Seokjin only nods.

The young male turns his back and moves away carrying the paper bag.

They steps inside the House while Jimin still hugging his older brother's waist. They sat down on the couch, Seokjin cupped the younger's face and forcefully made Jimin face him.

"You're not listening to me, I told you to always be careful." Seokjin said that tone careful but still it made the younger cry again, lips wobbling while staring at his Hyung.

"I'm sorry," Seokjin hurriedly says, "Seokjin hyung is sorry, I won't lecture you again, just stop crying, okay?" Seokjin said and wiped off the younger's tears with a heavy heart. Seokjin thought his younger brother is crying because of it but that's not the reason.

"Scared... I was scared." Jimin whispered audibly and hiccupped. Jimin is scared that if it wasn't for that guy, he wouldn't be able to hug his Seokjin-hyung like this ever again.

Seokjin's face fell as he realized how scared the younger was. It was too scary for the younger male that he actually voices out what he felt.

Seokjin pulled Jimin and embraces his younger male, Jimin hides his face on the older's chest.

"You're safe little one, don't be scared." Seokjin tells his brother and gently rubs his back.


If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now