Chapter Forty

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Third Person's POV

Jimin had finished practicing for their upcoming graduation. They were advised to practice for two days before the actual graduation ceremony but Jimin felt one day will do. He can't wait to leave the University.

Jimin left the stadium while sipping his water. Someone jumped into him wrapping an around his shoulder which surprised the younger. Jimin almost swear because he spit out the water he was drinking.

"Aish, seriously." Jimin looked down at his slightly wet clothes before throwing a glance over the man beside him. It was Yoongi in his surprise, the younger's expression quickly changed and Jimin smiled at him. Jimin can't be mad at this guy, they don't talk often but he's too soft for him.

"Aish? You were about to curse me? Jimin-ah, you can't do that, I'm older than you. " Jimin smiled cheekily at him.

"What even?" The younger mumbled. He laughed and Jimin glance away from him.

"Where are you going to take me?"

"To Namjoon's heart." Yoongi joked and immediately laughed, "Are you flustered?" Jimin rolled his eyes. After that incident, Jimin being drunk and flirty to Namjoon, they never stop teasing him.

"Are you heading home?" Yoongi asked him, changing their topic. Jimin hummed in response.


"Will Namjoon drive you home?" Yoongi suddenly asked. Jimin was silent for a moment, after what happened to them three days ago he never dares to talk to him. They do, if Namjoon approach him but Jimin always runs away from him. He's too ashamed of himself.

"Ah, you're avoiding him. I mean, after what happened why you wouldn't." Yoongi laughed and pat Jimin's back. Jimin sighed, Yoongi really likes teasing him.

"Namjoon understood, he thinks you're cute." Yoongi says, the younger smiled in relief.

"I'm going home too." Yoongi tells him, "Come with me, will drive you home." Jimin nodded at him immediately.

They got into his car. He was surprised to notice that he was alone.

"Are you looking for Hoseok?" Jimin didn't answer him proving that Yoongi had read his mind, Yoongi chuckles, "He's staying at home, he had a leg injury."

"Why do you look so surprise? He is okay, it's a minor injury."

"Can I see him?"

"Of course, you can. I'm sure, it would make him happy."


They entered Hoseok's house, Jimin didn't know that the two are staying together. They knocked at the door.

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