Chapter Fifty Four

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Third Person's POV

Jimin was drying his hair half-naked, wearing only his loose pyjamas below. He automatically smiled when he suddenly felt Jungkook's arms wrapped around his waist. Jimin was still holding the towel and looked at Jungkook's reflection in the mirror.

He was also looking directly at Jimin's reflection. Both were looking at each other and shared a smile.

"Morning, Hyung." He greeted him with a deep voice. He pulled himself away from the older male and went straight to the bathroom. Jimin loves how domestic their relationship is and is getting used to it.

Jimin likes what they have right now, but part of him was worrying over how he could cope with them separating once Jungkook decided to go. He has a family awaiting his return. He's scared that he might not come back to him when he gets back home.

Jungkook was drying his hair as he walked outside the bathroom. He saw Jimin already dressed, but it seemed like he was in deep thought as he sat on the bed. He approached him and lifted his chin using his fingertip.

Jimin's thoughts were interrupted when he looked at the younger man in front of him. He was faced with his toned body. He blinked and looked up at Jungkook's face.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked with concern. Jimin looked like he was about to cry. If he hadn't seen Jungkook's body and got distracted, his tears might have been dripping by now.

"Jungkook-ah, you would tell me right?" Jungkook frowned at that, confused. "Tell you what?" Jungkook asked him. Jimin ducked his head down, but Jungkook was quick to grab his chin as he didn't want to break eye contact.

Jimin furrowed his brows. He was having a hard time saying it. "Tell you what, Jimin-hyung?" Jungkook repeats.

"About going back to the states. I know we talked about this, but I just want to hear you say it again."

"I won't go." Jungkook says, cutting him off. Jimin looks at him bewildered.

"Wait, w-why?" Jimin asked.

"Because I want to stay." Jungkook answered.

"Hyung, how do you make a person stay?"

"We can't hold a person's life, you know. They will leave or stay if they feels like it."

and Jimin is in dazed, tears were in his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Jungkook asked, panicking. "You're worrying over nothing, seriously." Jungkook says wiping off his tears.

"Even if I go, I will still be running back to you." Jimin chuckles but at the same time crying, Jungkook bend down and kisses the crown of his head.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now