Chapter Forty One

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Third Person's POV

Jimin woke up at 10 am, their last practice for their graduation will start at 1 pm hence Jimin didn't wake early. He walked out of his room and noticed that their TV was on, it appears his brother forgot to turn it off.

"The suspect who allegedly stabbed a third year college student has been found." Said by the newscaster.

Jimin was uninterested at first but when he saw the suspect's face, his world suddenly stopped. The student wasn't Jungkook right? It can't be. Jimin kept on repeating that in his head, he was shaking, in denial. Jimin run his fingers through his hair and tilt his head up. He fucking knew it. He felt it last night, something bad would happen but Jimin still left him.

Jimin dialed his phone number but he wasn't answering. The smaller male then search the Hospital where they brought the victim, the results showed up. Jimin grabbed his jacket and wallet then hurriedly step outside.

When he arrived at the said Hospital they told him they don't have a patient named Jeon Jungkook, if he's not admitted in this hospital then where is he? Jimin felt himself giving out, he felt weak and he's blaming himself if only he did not visit Hoseok and they both didn't meet there, Jungkook wouldn't have walked him home. If he did not help him that night, the suspect wouldn't suspect target Jungkook.

He tried calling the latter again but he's not answering his phone call. Jimin didn't waste time and decided he must go to his place. And when he got there, he harshly pressed the doorbell, there was no response at all and Jimin's mind was cloudy with random thoughts.

The door suddenly sprung opened, revealing Jungkook. He had bandage on his forehead other than that he looks fine, Jimin squat down and hide his face with his hands, the tears he was holding earlier came pouring down.

Jimin let himself breakdown in front of him.


Jimin felt a hand running behind his back and that made him cry harder, only his sobs could be heard. Jungkook was staring down at him, worrying over the older as he don't have idea how the calm him down. Jimin is letting out his worries and frustrations, he wanted to breakdown earlier now he's letting it all maybe that's the reason he can't stop himself from crying now.

"You didn't listen to me!" Jimin said angrily, he is not looking at the latter and hiding his face. "I told you, you don't have to follow me but still you did!" Jimin knows he should not lash out at the younger as it is not right because Jungkook is hurt, but he can't stop himself from voicing out his feelings.

"What is this all about? It happened already, and even if you try to fix it, I will still remember what you did to me!"

"I was just making sure you'll get home safely." Jimin paused for a moment. Suddenly everything running back to him. The way Jungkook was with him when they did that project despite of being sleepy, he still insisted to walk him home. He remembers how Jungkook is always there to walk him home, no matter what time, maybe he has other intentions in mind but he's still care about Jimin's safety. Jimin bit his lip, he's betraying himself again, it was as if in just one snap everything shifts, what Jungkook did to him were all erased from his memories, all because of what he said that pulled Jimin into believing him.

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