Chapter Fifty Seven

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Jimin's POV

He's gone. He has left. I sobbed as I stared at the direction he went to. I was sobbing so loudly that I had to cover my mouth. I was in unbearable pain, and it only grows inside. Then, all of a sudden, I was in Hoseok-hyung's arms. I pressed my eyes shut tightly.

I don't even know how they got me inside the car. I was just looking outside the window. My mind is so blank and the only thing I feel now is so much pain. It's not a typical pain that you can just get rid of.

I've been through a lot of pain, but I still haven't learned to live with it.

I leaned my head against the glass window, blankly.

The car stopped and we're now back at my House. As soon as I stepped outside, Hoseok and Yoongi blocked my way. I looked at the two of them and bowed my head, appreciating their effort.

"Jimin—" I didn't let Hoseok finish as I walked past him. "We're just here for you. Call us, okay?" As Hoseok suggested, I ignored him and went straight inside the house.

I locked my room and leaned my back against the door. There my eyes landed on the bed, and there my chest tightened again. When I thought of him leaving earlier, this is not what I expected to happen. I thought he left because he was going to do an errand, or maybe Hoseok and Yoongi called him because they needed his help— anything but leaving.

I had no idea that it would be the last time, that the night we spent together would be the last.

"Hyung," Jungkook called to me. He patted the bed. I closed the cabinet and approached him and move beside him. He touched my hair softly, tucking it behind my ear. His hand moved down and stayed there, holding my cheek. He then caressed it and his eyes were just focused on it.

I just stared at him, watching him silently until our eyes met. I couldn't read what he was thinking now, and I couldn't help myself as I approached and kissed him. It was a quick peck, but Jungkook grabbed my neck and pulled me back, capturing my lips and then cupping both of my cheeks. I smiled and returned the kiss. It wasn't a needy kiss; he was kissing me with passion, slow and sweet— I felt my stomach flutter, I broke into a fit of giggles. Jungkook pulled away, and he looked at me in astonishment.

I put my hands on his shoulders. I shook, blushing. "Nothing." Jungkook smiled, defeated. I touched his face, thumbing his cheeks, and examined his face.

"Why do I feel like you are missing me a lot, hm?"

"That's right." He says. I laughed at him.

"I am asking you why." I pointed it out and he responded with a smile. He let go of me and flopped on the bed.

He adjusted his position and tapped it, "Come here, join me." I immediately nodded and climbed onto the bed.

I flopped on the bed and used his arm as my pillow, one hand on his chest. He touched my waist, sliding it slowly before it landed on my back. I adjusted myself comfortably and brought my body closer to him.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now