Chapter Forty Four

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Third Person's POV

"Have you opened the gift I gave you?" Seokjin asked and the younger abruptly stopped eating. Jimin can't look at his Hyung in the eyes. He can't even remember where he put the gift his Hyung gave him. Then it washes over him, how he left his older in that restaurant with the gift he had given him. Jimin felt awfully guilty.

"I placed it inside your room." Seokjin asked. Jimin pressed his eyes shut, head hanging low.

"Just in case you want to open." Seokjin said disappointment laced in his voice. Jimin just nods his head, still avoiding to look at his brother.

"I'll go ahead." Seokjin said and left.

This time, Jimin lift his head to look at his older brother. For the way he reacted last time, he had hurt his older brother's feelings. Because he can't control his emotions around Jungkook, he left his Hyung in the restaurant which Seokjin had planned, it was supposed to be Jimin's celebration but Seokjin ended up celebrating it alone.

Jimin is stupid. Fucking stupid.

Jimin rushes to his room and saw the older's gift for him. It was placed on his chair. Jimin sighed and pick it up but at the same time someone called him. His phone was ringing loudly. He walked over to his bed and when he sees the registered number, Jimin turned off his phone and throws it back on the bed.

Jimin sat down at the edge and opened his Hyung's gift. It was a sweater, a cute one. Jimin smiled, Seokjin still treats him like a baby, buying him stuff as if he's stuck in his teen age years.

Jimin fold it back neatly and placed it inside his cabinet. Then he suddenly remembers Jungkook, oh shoot! Jimin hurriedly walked over his drawer and opens it, and took his old phone back. Jimin turned it on and typed Jungkook's number and register it, yes he did memorize Jungkook's phone number.

"Hey. It's Jimin. In case you want to contact me or whatever."


Jimin is looking at the screen with large eyes when Jungkook calls him almost immediately. He accepted it and flop on top of his bed.

"Hey." Jimin blurted. "Hey, you." Jungkook said chuckling. God, Jimin love the sound of his voice. Jimin closes his eyes, the heavy feeling he had earlier is long forgotten.

"How are you?" Jungkook asked and the older male smiled, "I'm good, you?" Jimin asked back, can't help but smile.

"I'm good. Are you free later?" Jimin bit his bottom lip, holding himself back as he wanted to shout out of excitement. Is he asking Jimin out again?

"Yeah?" Jimin answers. His voice is shaking hence he replied to him shortly.

"Good, I'll pick you up later. Bring clothes, and other things you need. We'll stay the night."

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now