Chapter Fifteen

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Third Person's POV

"Don't make us laugh Seokjin-hyung, your brother is mute." Seokjin's expression changes and Jimin can't read what's inside his mind. Jimin lowered down his gaze in shame, Jungkook will hate him now, everyone will.

"What did you just said?" Seokjin questioned him. "Your brother can't talk." Taehyung answered back, Seokjin seems to realize and nods to himself.

"Yeah he can't, he didn't do any sign language to me, that's what I meant." Seokjin cleared out, Jimin's eyes widened and gazes back at his older brother. Their eyes met but Seokjin shifted his gaze back to Taehyung.

"I'm hungry, lets go eat." Taehyung agrees while Jungkook is still looking down at Jimin as if he wants to know what Jimin has in mind.

Afterwards, Seokjin and Jimin bids them goodbye, giving them excuse that Seokjin has important thing to do and headed straightaway back to their home to talk.

"Why?" Seokjin asked as soon as they entered the house, Jimin stared at Seokjin's back that was facing him with guilt.

"Why did you pretend you're mute?" Seokjin asked and faces Jimin with bothered expression.

"That's what everyone think about me, I just played along." Jimin simply answered.

"You are lying to them."

"And so what, Hyung?" Jimin asked him back.

"Eventually they will know... It's not a crime to tell them the truth, Jimin-ah." Seokjin argued back.

"I have my reasons." Jimin answered and with that Seokjin went speechless, it did not take long until Seokjin drop the subject and gave Jimin a faint smile.

Next day. . .

Jungkook texted Jimin that there is a game and he wanted Jimin to join him to cheer for them, Jimin agreed and headed there. Jungkook saw him and called out the latter when he spots him looking out for him.

Jimin sat down beside Jungkook and look at him, Jungkook is wearing a black cap, Jimin realizes that Jungkook has piercings, he has four piercings on his ear and Jimin's stomach did a backflip, Jungkook looks very attractive.

Jimin's eyes moved down, Jungkook is wearing a loose gray shirt and a black triple strap cargo pants, Jungkook smirked.

"Done checking me out?" Jimin's eyes widened and he felt his cheeks begin to feel warm, he averted his gaze and touch his neck, Jimin busied himself looking away out of embarrassment, Jimin heard Jungkook laugh at him.

"Hey don't act shy now, its okay." Jungkook says tapping Jimin's shoulder to make the latter look at him.

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