Chapter Ten

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Third Person's POV

Jimin stopped in his track upon seeing the latter standing in front of his own House. The smaller male gripped tightly on his sling bag before he starts walking.

Jungkook's face lit up when saw Jimin approaching, Jungkook waves his hand with his smiling face making Jimin's heart beat. Jimin intended to stop looking at his way and focus looking on his shoes instead.

Jungkook approaches Jimin and they walked together. The smaller was not sure if Jungkook is looking at him or if he's wondering why Jimin was refusing to look at him, avoiding him.

"I think it's about to rain." Jimin heard him says but didn't spare him a glance.

Jungkook looked at the smaller male and reaches his hand to hold Jimin's, the smaller look down at Jungkook's hand.

"We need to hurry." Jungkook snaps, surprising Jimin when he yank him and walked a bit faster.

They are already in the main entrance when the rain starts pouring down, both hurriedly run inside.

Jimin took his out his handkerchief and wiped off his forearm. Ignoring the fact that the younger was still in front of him, Jungkook only stare at Jimin fondly before he slowly reaches out his hand.

Jimin pauses when Jungkook suddenly fixes his bangs, Jimin slowly looked up at the younger and as soon as he met his eyes, Jungkook's lips twitches upward forming into a warm smile.

Jimin felt his heart clench, he felt bad for treating Jungkook this way.

Jungkook drop his hand and studied the smaller face and immediately noticed his distress, Jungkook's expression turned into worried one.

"We got wet from the rain, you might get sick, so text me later if you starts feeling not well, okay?" Jungkook told Jimin, tone genuinely concern.

Jungkook waited for the smaller reaction and when he didn't find any, Jungkook smiled faintly.

"I'll be heading to my class now, I'll see you later." Jungkook says tapping Jimin's back and bids him a goodbye.

Jimin only stared at him as Jungkook heads to their department. As soon as he disappeared through his eyes, Jimin's gazed drop.

I need to stick with my decision, I've decided to not accept Jungkook's offer. I'm used to having zero friends anyway.

Jimin knew the taller was only pitying him hence he's doing this but Jimin is not Jungkook's responsibility that's why Jungkook need to stop as well. Secondly, if Jungkook knew he's not mute, he'll probably just ignore him.

Jimin tightened his grip on his sling bag and walked up, heading to his 1st class. While walking, Jimin couldn't ignore how his heart gets heavier, he wanted to ignore but fails miserably it's completely affecting him.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now