Chapter Twenty Three

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Third Person's POV

"Hi, Seokjin-hyung." Jungkook greeted. Seokjin smiled, staring amusedly at the younger male. To his surprise, Jungkook even brought a box of donuts with him, he even know what Jimin likes. Interesting, he said internally.

"You came here for Jiminie, right?" Seokjin asked, testing the younger, you could also tell by the sound of his voice that he's truly happy upon seeing the younger male. This is the first time someone visited his younger brother after hearing the news that Jimin got hurt. Seokjin is highly touched, hence he's overjoyed right now.

"Where is he?" Jungkook asked. Oh! The older male thought and laughed loudly, Jungkook look puzzled but he isn't saying anything, if anything he's concern if he could see Jimin at this rate, his brother seemed unwell. Seokjin tap the young man's shoulder, Jungkook is utterly loss.

"Come on, don't rush. You missed him that bad?" Seokjin joked and Jungkook only smiled at him, Seokjin is really the complete opposite of his younger brother. Seokjin smile reaches his ears and motioned the younger to get inside.

"He's inside his room. I think you already know where his room at, just go." Seokjin said with a playful tone. Jungkook gave him a nod and walked past the older. Seokjin's gaze followed him, moving his body to face the younger male.

"Silence means yes, right?" Seokjin asked while touching his chin, "Hm, right, that's it." He continued while nodding, eyes still glued on Jungkook. "Not bad, he's a brother-in law material, he has my vote!" Seokjin bubbles.

"What are you bubbling about?" Seokjin flinches and yell out. "Aish! Seriously, you startled me!" He complained slapping Taehyung's chest. Seokjin's eyes widened at the hardness of his chest and stared down at his own hands.

"You must be working hard." Seokjin moved his hands up and down, not wasting his chance. Taehyung rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek, grinning from ear to ear. Very satisfied, Seokjin's compliments, makes him want to boast. He raises his eyebrow and asked:

"Why? You like this? I am yours, so you can have me all you want." Taehyung half-joked. Seokjin laughed before pushing the younger one.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why? You don't want me here?" He asked instead. Seokjin hit his head.

"I am asking you idiot."

"Ugh, Hyung, that hurts!"

"Then you should've answered instead of asking!" Seokjin scolded him. Taehyung touches the part where Seokjim hit him and went all pout.

"I can't believe the person I like, hit me." Taehyung mumbled disappointed. Taking Seokjin's hit to the heart.

"Huh? H-hey, you, I didn't even..." Seokjin trailed off and stared at him in disbelief. "...hit you that hard." Seokjin almost whispered but when he realized how sad the younger was, he felt guilty.

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