Chapter Twenty Six

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Third Person's POV

"Yah, Jimin, it's not like I didn't present myself! I ace the report! Even without you, I did it for us." The younger male stopped. He clenched his fist and faced him, he was surprised when he saw Yoongi as well.

"He's telling the truth." Yoongi added, supporting Hoseok's claim. Jimin doesn't know if why Hoseok need to explain.

"Look, stop ignoring me now." Oh. That's where he's coming from, the younger thought. Jimin pulled out his phone but pauses for a moment. He lowered his gaze does he have to still pretend that he can't speak? Jimin is ignoring them might as well let them know the truth. Maybe after that, they would stay away.

Jimin sighed and pressed his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry." Jimin mumbled and bow his head, he doesn't want to see their reaction, he's scared to see their disappointment in him. "I didn't mean to lie, everyone assumed I'm mute and I hate talking to people, so I—" Hoseok scream cut him off, he look up and both were looking at him with shock expression.

"Y-you! You can talk?"

"You heard it, yourself." Yoongi spat, and Jimin winces. Jimin felt really bad for Yoongi, he may feel bad for Hoseok but not as much as Yoongi because between the two, Yoongi is the type of person who doesn't easy to socialize, he is not really an open person from what Jimin heard but Yoongi prove him wrong or just like Jungkook, he was just being extra nice because he thought he was mute.

"I'm sorry," Jimin repeated but this time he was staring at Yoongi's eyes. Jimin turned on his heels and ran away from them.

Jimin let out a gasp when he came across someone's back, he bumped into that person hard and made him stumble away, he lifts his head up confused.

All of them turned to look at him. It was the three idiots, his so called, step brothers. Jimin was surprised, he didn't saw them for the past days or week until now.

"Oh dang! He saw us!" Jackson said and covered his face using his hands. Jimin frowned and shifted his gaze to the other two. Jaebum acted as if he didn't just made an eye contact with Jimin and starts whistling, Jimin then looked at Jin-young, he gave him an awkward smile and waves his hand to greet Jimin.

"Just act as if you didn't saw us okay? You didn't!" Jin-young said nervously, he tap the two, "Guys, let's go, let's go!" With that they all run and left him behind. Before, they were all over the younger, always there to annoy him but now it was as if the table has turned. Jimin shook his head, he has a lot of things in mind for them to add up.

"Ugh," Jimin held his head and crouched down.

Jimin made it clear in the first place. Talking to people wouldn't bring him any good, worst let yourself get attach! If only Jimin had stick on what he believes the right thing before, he won't be in this mess! His life won't be complicated as this, it was all good before.

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