Chapter Thirty Three

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Third Person's POV

Jimin wakes up feeling his head throbbing. He search for his phone, Jimin frowned when he didn't find it beside him. The smaller male pushes himself into sitting position. He stared at the bed side table and there he saw his phone that was placed beside the lump shade together with his wallet.

Jimin was confused after realizing the design of his room changed. Jimin looked around carefully and when he noticed that he is not in his room, he immediately stared down at his clothes. Jimin sighed in relief; he's still wearing the same clothes.

After a moment of silence, Jimin remembered that he asked Namjoon to drink with him and he doesn't remember anything other than that. A soft knock snaps Jimin's dilemma, the door swung opened revealing Namjoon.

"You're awake." Namjoon said, Jimin shyly nod his head. Jimin stared at the fabric Namjoon was holding, it was a pair of clothes, Namjoon strolled closer and placed it down the bed.

"You can take shower if you want. These are my clothes by the way. I don't use these anymore, too small for me since I grew a lot bigger." Namjoon explained to him, Jimin nodded his head again, now staring at Namjoon.

"If you are done, come downstairs, I have stocks of food, you can cook and eat if you want, ah, no, eat first, I won't drive you home unless your stomach is filled with food." Jimin chuckles, he's looking at the older fondly. He's lucky that he could see this version of Namjoon because he's known for being a strict leader.

"I'll go down stairs." He said in the end and Jimin nods.

After taking a shower, Jimin changed into Namjoon's clothes and was surprise at the size of his clothes, it was still too big than his size even though Namjoon claimed it was too small for him. Jimin is wearing a plain gray shirt that was hanging mid-thigh and a checkered pattern blue pants almost covering his ankles, Jimin even fold it yet still too long for him.

Jimin walked downstairs with one hand holding his head, he felt slightly dizzy. Jimin knew where the Kitchen was located, it's not like it's his first time, he remembered he once did his project here with Jungkook. Jimin headed straight at the Kitchen and surprisingly found Jungkook, sitting with a mug of coffee in his hand.

Jimin thought, Jungkook went already to Uni. He didn't expect him to be here, hence he strolled down carelessly. Jimin clenched his fist, took a step back and turned on his heels, Jungkook lifted his head at the faint sound.

"It's just me Hyung, why are you avoiding me?" Jimin stopped in his track and gulped.

"Jimin-hyung?" He called him softly. Sighing, Jimin faces the taller male, Jungkook greets him with a smile.

"Join me." Jungkook requested and Jimin is too weak to say no. He can't resist the younger. Jimin knew, it was him who told Taehyung but he can't feel resentment towards the younger he's too fond of him to feel such things.

"Come here." Jungkook says tapping the chair beside him intervening Jimin's thoughts, Jimin looked at the chair Jungkook tapping.

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