Chapter Twelve

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Third Person's POV

[A/N: 2.8k words, took me 3-4 days to translate haha also, thank you for reading!]

Jungkook ruffles the older's hair, finally Jimin lifted his gaze and their gazes met. Jimin keeps on saying that he doesn't need a friend that he's better without anyone although it's the truth for some reason he found himself loving Jungkook's company, he likes the feeling of being with the latter.

Jimin is happy whenever Jungkook waits for him or every time he asked Jimin if he's okay, he likes it when Jungkook smiles at him but accepting his offer means he should keep on pretending right? Because it was the reason behind this kindness he was receiving from Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled causing Jimin's thought to completely vanish and making Jimin's stomach flip.

"I assumed you change your mind." Jungkook told him and Jimin's eyes sadden, still feeling guilty of how he treats Jungkook yesterday. Jungkook drop his hand from ruffling Jimin's hair and pinch his left cheek instead.

"I was really sad yesterday." Jungkook said and he sounded like a child talking in upset tone, "Since you made me sad, I demand you to smile." He requested and Jimin crack a smile, not because of Jungkook's request but Jimin found Jungkook funny as of the moment.

Jimin's expression fell when he notices, Jungkook is looking at him in awe, he shyly turns away.

"You should smile more, it suits you most." Jimin's cheeks become crimson red and lowered his head.

"Ah, you're so cute." Jungkook tease him tone amused, Jimin gave him a look.

"And that's the way you're showing your angry face huh? It only makes you cuter, Hyung." Jungkook says casually as if they know each other for so long, making Jimin's heart warms.

"Have you eaten lunch?" Jimin nodded his head but his stomach suddenly grumbles and he curses internally, it was indeed embarrassing.

"I see you lied." Jungkook says giving Jimin a pointed look, Jimin didn't spare him a glance out of embarrassment.

Jungkook stood up, "Jimin-hyung," He called out and Jimin automatically tilt his head up. Jungkook was reaching his hand for him, Jimin smiled and accepts it, Jungkook pulled him up.

"Let's go and eat." Jungkook says before turning his back on Jimin.

Jimin stayed rooted in his place, wasn't his first class about to start? Jimin walked past him and blocked Jungkook's way both arms extended. Jungkook quickly stops and look at Jimin confused, Jimin pointed Jungkook's classroom thinking Jungkook may have forgotten about it. Jungkook follows Jimin's gesture before returning his gaze towards the older male, smiling widely.

"It's okay," Jungkook assured the smaller, "I'm okay." Jimin mouthed, Jungkook sigh defeated.

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