Chapter Fifty

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Third Person's POV

"Hey, Namjoon!"

Namjoon is glued on his spot, phone closed to his ear as he stared at them, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Can I?"

Jungkook asked the smaller male. Jimin slowly closed his eyes and Jungkook brought his face closer, Namjoon averted his eyes because he couldn't bare to see what would happen next.

"Namjoon, you still there? Have you found him?"

Namjoon turned off the call and left that place. He drove as fast as he could get and stopped at a Park. He harshly hit the steering wheel and out of frustrations, he banged his head against it instead, cursing under his breath.

Namjoon couldn't believe what he saw and it was confusing him now. Aren't they on the same page? Jimin had given him a chance, went into dates, they even kissed, but what did he saw? Was Jimin only playing on him?

Namjoon couldn't bare the pain and let himself cry, he cried and hit the steering wheel again in his rage.


Jungkook pulled away, thumbing Jimin's cheeks and looked at him in the eyes. He carefully helped him get back on his feet and pulled him over the couch. The younger male accompanied him and guide him to sit down without taking his eyes off him. Jungkook smiled softly and held both of the older hands and looked down, his smile slowly disappears.

"Hyung," Jungkook called him and with the tone he is using, Jimin knew Jungkook had notice it. Jimin followed his gaze. There he saw the wounded area on his wrist, Jimin had slit himself but it's not that deep. When he heard Jungkook's voice, it made him stop from doing it. He hurriedly washed his wrist in the sink but the wound is still evident.

"Hyung," Jungkook looked at Jimin full of concern. Jimin pulled his hands away from Jungkook and moves away from him.

"You're wrong, no, it's not what you think." Jimin chatters and averted his eyes. "Hyung--" Jimin snaps at him angrily.

"Please, whatever you're thinking right now, drop it." Jimin says exasperatedly. He stood up from his seat and turned his back to Jungkook, he nervously folded his arms and started biting his nail.

"Go home," Jimin tells him, pushing Jungkook away, with his shaky voice. "We'll just talk some other day." He convinces him. Jimin closed his eyes as he felt Jungkook's arms wrapped around him.

"No," Jungkook whispered shaking his head, Jimin inhaled sharply and opened his eyes.

"I didn't do it." Jimin lies, "You're wrong, I won't do that to myself." Jimin said on the verge of crying, Jungkook knew it was a lie. "I won't do that just because my older brother left me, n-not because of you, did you hear that? I-I won't end my life just because I'm alone, because I'm always left alone, no, so p-please, if you can't believe what I'm saying you can just leave!" Jimin says stuttering and he was now shaking, Jungkook pressed his eyes shut and tightened his hug on the smaller male.

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