Chapter Twenty Nine

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Third Person's POV

[A/N: I'm using a phone pls excuse the spaces 🥺]

Jimin jolts awake and starts looking around. He was feeling anxious and looking for his older brother, he has throbbing head ache even though he wasn't in his best condition he forced himself to move just to assure himself that he was still with his Hyung that he didn't leave him unlike what his parents did to him.

"Hyung!" Jimin called him out desperately but he wasn't answering. Only his voice could be heard across the room. Jimin hurriedly walk inside his room without knocking and felt his heart drop, when Jimin didn't find him there. His bed sheets were folded neatly it only means, he wasn't there to begin with.

Jimin felt his tears drop as he stared at the empty bed.


The number you have dialed is out of reach, please try again later. Jimin is biting his nail as he nervously wait for Seokjin to pick up his phone call. He already did 4 or 5 times yet he wasn't picking.

What could've he done? Jimin doesn't remember anything aside from being drunk earlier, if Seokjin was the one who brought him home then he might have said hurtful things to him and leaves Jimin completely.

Jimin let out a painful sob thinking his brother abandoned him. Jimin is positive that there's still taxi out there that he could ride except at their place because you would need to walk down to reach the main road.

Jimin wasn't feeling well, the fact that he drank earlier too makes it even worse. He can't trust himself right now and was scared if anything happens to him in the middle of alleyway.

Namjoon, Jimin remembers that he offered him a ride, Namjoon would help, he must help Jimin find his Hyung but since it was past 11, he might be sleeping already because he didn't accept any of Jimin's calls. Jimin decided to leave alone, he walked outside his Hyung's room to get a thick jacket.

Jimin was drowsy but forced himself to stay awake, he doesn't even know where was he going. The only thing he had in mind was to find his Hyung, maybe he'll let his feet decide for that.

Jimin's phone rang, it was from Namjoon. He quickly accepts the call, hopeful.

"Hey," Said Namjoon voice raspy, it was obvious that he just woke up. "Why did you call?" Followed by a question.

"I- I'm outside, I-" Jimin can't put into words what he was about to say, maybe because he is cold right now or just doesn't know what to say.

"Don't fuck with me right now and tell me." Namjoon said tone annoyed.

"I'm looking for my Hyung." Jimin's voice was shaky, it was silent until Namjoon speaks again.

"So you're saying, you're outside and looking for your brother? at this hour?" Namjoon asked.

"Are you kidding me?" His harsh tone startled Jimin again and the younger decides to hang up.

Jimin almost curses when suddenly his phone rang again, giving him heart attack.

"Tell me where you are right now and don't just hang up the phone!" Namjoon shouts and Jimin felt irritated as well.

"Don't shout, can you?" Jimin asked and didn't receive any response, "couple of minutes away from your place." Jimin tells him, Jimin could here rustling sound at the background.

"Stop by my place and stay there."

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked his cousin as he saw him strolling hurriedly, Namjoon didn't bother to answer him and left.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now