Chapter Forty Eight

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Third Person's POV

Seoul, 11 am KST.

They were both standing close in front of the smaller house. Namjoon held Jimin's arm and Jimin quickly denied his touch stepping away from him, Jimin looked at him with glaring eyes.

"What's with the stare,huh?" Namjoon asked him amused, "I'll get going, let's meet tomorrow." He added and was about to kiss the smaller but Jimin looked away.

"Alright, bye then." Namjoon said to him smiling, he was hoping Jimin would at least look at him but it didn't happen.

Jimin headed straight inside the House. Sighing deeply, as he felt himself getting guilty at the way he treated Namjoon earlier.

Jimin chose to ignore the growing guilt in him and was about to walked inside his room when he heard his Hyung talking to someone inside his room. His door was not fully close and Jimin could see him, sitting and leaning against the headboard. He looked broken and the younger's heart clenches, can't bear looking at his older brother like this.

Jimin tore his gaze away and leaned against the wall, look at what he had done. Seokjin looked really hurt and he knew it was him who caused it. He wanted to walk inside and apologize for it, but he still talking to someone over his phone.

"If only our parents didn't left us then I wouldn't have to be stuck in this House and take full responsibility of him." Seokjin said through his sobs with Jimin hearing it all clearly. "I love him," Seokjin says crying, almost unable to talk straight as his sobs left out his mouth, "A-and I can't beleive I am saying this but I'm so tired of him." Jimin felt a lump forming in his throat as he listens to his older brother.

"I am tired of standing as his parent. I don't think I can go on, this is not the life I wanted." Seokjin pressed his eyes shut, "I have a life too and I want freedom, I want to live where I wouldn't even have to think of him, accompany him in every steps, decision he makes, to care for him, I don't like how he still depends on me and stick to me."  Seokjin took a deep sigh, trying to calm himself down. Just, every time he thinks about his sacrifices for Jimin his chest tightens. 

Ever since their parents left them, he's the one who stand as Jimin's both mom and dad. Jimin depended on him while he has no one to depend to. He works two jobs despite being a student cause they left them with nothing, he supports his own studies and Jimin's. He was working so hard for the both of them while his younger brother busies himself ignoring him, shutting him out of his life. Even with just simply greeting or ask his older brother how he was doing but none of that happened. 

They were living in the same roof yet Seokjin felt completely alone. Still, Seokjin chose to understand him, everyday. Until the day, he finally talked to him after neglecting him for years and Seokjin was beyond happy when that happened it felt surreal.

"He wouldn't want to let go of me, either. Oh god, he's so selfish for asking me to stay. How long should I be locked in this prison?" Jimin covers his mouth his expression was all hurt. It wounds him deeply how Seokjin called their House a prison where for Jimin, it was his safe place.

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