Chapter Two

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Third Person's POV

Next Day!

Jimin rubs his eyes just to be sure that he isn't hallucinating and when he realize he isn't, he did his other option and that is to pinch himself.

But still he's the one Jimin's seeing.

Jimin resumes walking thinking if they live in the same subdivision. The smaller male keeps on following him behind as he kept on questioning himself.

But he decided to drop it.

Jimin looked down at the taller male's shoes. He has idea in my mind. It was a silly one but he did it, he copied his every steps.

Right step. . . Left step. . . Right step and so on. . .

He suddenly stops and that made Jimin stop as well. Jimin lifted his head and realizes the reason he stopped was because the traffic light turns red but Jimin got surprise of what he did next, he crosses the street!

Jimin quickly check if there's cars approaching but when he noticed there's none, Jimin copied him. The smaller male ran off and follows him.

Jimin doesn't know why he should follow him if he can always wait until the traffic light turns green, confusion swells in him but ignores it as soon as he's already walking behind the said male.

If ever his Hyung finds out for sure he'll get in trouble, listening to his never ending rants. But no one will tell Seokjin right? Jimin will never tell him anyway so he's safe.

They are now inside the University and parted ways, Jimin headed to his first class and as expected he's the only student who came earlier.

Jimin sat on his favorite spot. His lips twitches, he can't hold back his smile as he gets reminded by what happened earlier. Coincidentally they walk to Uni together again and they even cross the street even though it still on the red light.

Jimin shook his head and tries to erase the smile that painted on his face.

Very strange feeling and it's too new for him.

Not too long, some of the students already showed up in the class and a moment after their Professor finally came.

The class went well and as expected the smaller male was too focus throughout the whole discussion because he need to make up for the low score he got yesterday. Jimin observes his surrounding and almost all of the students already went out together.

Jimin doesn't have any friends in their classroom that's why he's always alone, alone when he's eating, all alone when he's going home. But it's not an issue for him, not a big deal because he's used to it.

His life is boring, right? Maybe other people might think it's sad but it's not for Jimin because he's already contented of his life.

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