Chapter Thirty One

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Third Person's POV

Jimin closes the door and touched his forehead, he bit his lower lip and drop his sling bag on the floor before moving towards his bed.

Jimin fell on his stomach, left cheek pressed against the mattress, a small smile appear in his lips.


After seeing Jungkook's sincere smile again, it made Jimin feel at ease. It wasn't force or anything and Jimin was glad.

Though Jungkook's treatment was different from before it's okay, if anything Jimin only want one thing from him, if Jungkook allows, he would want a hug from him.

Just a hug from him, Jimin said silently before slowly closing his eyes.


"Hyung, I'll go now!"

"Okay! Love you!"

"What's wrong with you, seriously?" Jimin asked before stepping outside, hurriedly.

Jimin was smiling as he close the door, he looks up and find the sky was clear and thought it's going to be a good day, he's in a good mood right now because he had a great sleep. Finally, after feeling devastated about what happened to him and Jungkook, he's okay now.

Jimin touches his forehead and winces, it doesn't hurt that much but there was still a bump, it color changes from being red to purple which makes it uglier.

Every time Jimin recalls the embarrassment he did himself he wants to hit his head against the wall and get amnesia and will never remember that moment ever again. 

It was clearly his fault.

Jimin shook his head unlike what happened two days ago that's still clear in his mind, Jimin doesn't understand why he starts forgetting things that he hated about Namjoon, he still remembers the feeling of disliking him but not the reason, it slowly changes into liking him as a person. He's not that bad.

Jimin opened the gate, lock it and walked up. Jimin paused, staring at the front with shock expression. He cannot believe what he is seeing right now, he tried to think it's just one of his imagination but failed in hope it's real.

Jungkook is standing few meters away from him and obviously waiting for him, Jungkook smiled and greets him.

"Hi, Jimin-hyung."

And Jimin was stunned not knowing what was behind those smile he was wearing.

"Fucking hell." Taehyung groans and sat down, facing Jungkook. He drop his belongings and stared at Jungkook. 

"We've gone to six or seven dates, we even fucked yet we are still friends." Taehyung complained, Jungkook raises a brow.

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