Chapter Forty Nine

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Third Person's POV

Jimin is staring at the young boy, he had this contented expression while sleeping and slugging his pillow. Sunoo slept with Jimin in one bed though it was their first meeting each other, Kibum mentioned he had told his younger brother how he was saved from that incident, Jimin thought it was because of that reason hence Sunoo is comfortable and grateful to him, and clingy Jimin wants to add.

Jimin stepped outside the room and slowly closes it behind him. He finds Kibum in the living room, sipping his coffee. They both looked at each other and Jimin politely bowed at him showing his appreciation.

Jimin averted his gaze and went to the main door. He heard Kibum rushing to follow him, Jimin ignored it and walked off.

"Aren't you even going to eat before leaving?" Jimin stopped and faces the other male.


"Jimin, if you don't have any place to stay, you can still stay—" Jimin cuts him off.

"Thank you." Jimin said smiling, "Kindly, tell Sunoo that, too." He said lastly, bow his head a little and leaves completely.


"Can I borrow your key?" Jungkook asked him. Hoseok lifted his head placing the mug he was holding carefully on the table. Hoseok was surprise, soon enough, his lips twitches upward.

Hoseok hand him the key.

"We'll help you." Hoseok suggested, "Just tell us any location possible." He convinces the younger.

From that forward, Jungkook had left first. Hoseok excitedly went inside Yoongi's room, he kicked his butt multiple times to wake him which he succeeded to.

Yoongi groaned, "Fuck you, bro." Hoseok laughs.

"Come on, get up, we're going to look for Jimin!" Yoongi glared at him.

"I already told--"

"Jungkook is now searching for him, all alone, let's help the poor man." Yoongi fell silent, face confused.

"Was he the boyfriend? He's acting more worried than Namjoon." Yoongi points out, Hoseok fell into a fit of laughter.

"Don't you find them suspicious?"


"Jimin and Jungkook?" Yoongi looked at him face unreadable, he then yawned and looked away.

"They are like brothers to me, what do you mean?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok rolled his eyes.

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