Chapter Twenty Seven

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Third Person's POV

Jimin stopped in his track as his eyes landed on Jungkook. He was about to leave. Jimin took a step backward and turn his back on him waiting for the younger to leave, Jimin was biting his lip nervously.

" two... three..." Jimin kept on mumbling, "ten." Jimin finally turned his head and looked behind him.

And he saw Jungkook walking already, Jimin is looking at Jungkook with sad eyes.

"From now on, you don't have to hide from me."

"Just approach me, I won't ignore you."

Jimin placed his hand over his chest as he felt it aches. He closed his eyes for a moment, he smiled forcefully and opened his eyes.

"It's okay," Jimin mumbled, "It's okay, Jimin-ah." He said again.

Jimin is standing while Jungkook had already crossed the road. He looked up at the stop light, it was already red and wishes for it to slow down in order to avoid falling behind Jungkook, he wanted him out of his sight completely.

The stop light turns green, people were moving rapidly to cross over except for Jimin. The smaller male stay rooted in his place until someone had bumped into him from behind.

"If you are not going to cross then move aside!" The middle age man lectured him and immediately walked past him. Jimin slowly lifts his head and stared at the older man who was hurrying to cross over.

"Are you that small for them not to see? Poor you, had to deal with people bumping into you."

Jimin smiled warily. "No," Jimin muttered, "I am just too slow to move." Jimin took a step but he stopped immediately when someone grip on his shirt. Jimin look behind him and saw a kid staring up at him.

"Hyung, the light is red, you can't cross yet." Jimin turned to look at the stop light and the child was right. He gazes back at the kid and gave him a smile.

"My bad." He almost whispered, the kid reaches for his hand and Jimin got curious.

"Hold my hand, Hyung and don't move, just follow me." Jimin smiled and nods his head.

As soon as it turns green the kid pulled Jimin and the smaller male just followed him. After crossing the street, the kid let go of Jimin's hand, he then walk in front and faces Jimin.

"Hyung, earlier, we cross right?" Jimin nods, attentively. "Hyung listen to me very well, okay?" Jimin smiled grew wider and nods his head.

"If the light is red, you cannot cross, that's why I stopped you." Jimin pretended to just figure out how it works, as he looked at the kid with mouth hung open, acting oblivious.

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