Chapter Forty Five

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Third Person's POV

As soon as Jungkook opened his eyes, he saw Jimin who already took his bath, only wearing his bathrobe. Jungkook is astonished how Jimin didn't leave him, unlike the other day. He moves and changes into sitting position, observing the smaller male. He is looking at him as he dry his hair using the small white towel.

Jimin looked over him, realizing he was awake he smiled. Jimin hasn't changed his outfit yet, realizing that he politely grabs his clothes that he prepared and heads towards the bathroom.

Jungkook could only look at him in silent.

"Damn, Jungkook, you got it bad." He mumbled, shaking his head.

He then climbed off the bed and strip off his shirt. Jungkook opened the curtain and looked outside the view for a quiet moment. He's wondering what the time is it now, he should invite Jimin for a coffee date.

"Oh, holy shit." Jungkook frowned and turned to look at surprised Jimin. The smaller male had his back facing Jungkook, fully clothed. He is wearing an oversized color orange shirt, and short shorts that was only covering his mid-thigh.

"What's wrong, Hyung?" Jungkook asked, frowning.

"It's nothing, take a shower. We need to get off." Jungkook smiled, he didn't believe that. He moved closer, held his waist with one hand. He's now on Jimin's side he proceed to duck his head down and sneak a peek on Jimin's face.

"Then why did you turn around?" Jungkook asked, "The person you were talking to was behind you." He added.

"I told you it's nothin'—" He said angrily and turned to look at Jungkook. He was shook by the closeness of their faces. Jimin is staring at him with wide open eyes so does Jungkook.

Jimin moved away and pointed his finger at the bathroom. Jungkook nodded as he felt how awkward the situation was. The younger softly rub the sides of Jimin's waist before letting go of him.

Jimin's stomach flipped.

They both head straight towards this famous cafe. Jungkook motioned Jimin to sit over and he'll get their order. Jimin is looking at him as the barista took their orders and when Jungkook looks at his direction, he shifted his gaze.

"For you." Jungkook said to the older. They stared at each other and shared a smile. Jungkook sat down, sipping his iced coffee. He then, satisfied nodding. Jimin stared down, hiding his smile.

Jungkook notices that and he's trying not to smile but fails. Without saying anything they look at each other at the same time. In order to not get caught, Jungkook raises his brow as if telling Jimin what he's staring at. Jimin looked away thinking he got caught. He bit his lower lip in shame before nervously sips his drinks. Jungkook sigh in relief and finally averted his gaze.

They are both blushing while enjoying the coffee, missing how this one ahjumma customer giving them a judging look, "Aigoo, look at these kids, acting as if they weren't in a whole ass relationship." She said rolling her eyes. They both heard what she said, they just pretended they didn't. They wanted to laugh at the remark but chose to keep it down.

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