Chapter Thirty Nine

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Third Person's POV

Namjoon's face lit up when he met Jimin on the way. He smiled at him and was about to call Jimin when he suddenly walk past him. Namjoon's face fell down. Was it because he was harsh the last time or was it Jungkook? Namjoon's face turned cold.

He turned to Jimin and he just stared at him until he disappeared from his sight. When he averted his eyes he saw Jungkook in front of him who was also looking in the direction where Jimin was.

They both looked space out, on top of that both of them looked hurt. He felt a pang inside his chest.

Do Jimin and Jungkook both like each other? Did Jimin just lie to him to hide his true feelings? And did he miss it? Did his cousin fell for Jimin without realizing it?

When they looked at each other, Namjoon forced a smile.

"Why do you try so hard? You're done. I told Jimin everything. " Jungkook's jaw tightened and averted his gaze from his cousin. He walked past Namjoon and his cousin laughed out loud.

"Strange, I can see the regrets in your eyes. That was very unsual, Kook. " He blurts out, irritating him.

Jungkook just kept walking and Namjoon smiled but it also disappeared immediately.

It doesn't matter if Jimin like Jungkook, his cousin won't have him anyway.

Jimin's POV

I had just finished my class when Namjoon suddenly met me outside. I smiled at him.

"Hey, you." He broke. I raised an eyebrow. Hey you?, it's like I don't have a name I suddenly laughed at him. He also smiled, dimples showing, cute.

"Next week, we'll graduate." He said and I nodded, I don't know what he wanted to say to me.

"I was thinking, if I can invite you on a date after graduation. Just, friendly date, or whatever you want to call it." Namjoon said hesitantly.

I wondered as it was so random, Namjoon just admitted how he really feels, I thought he doesn't want to rush things between us but he is boldly asking me for a date now. Trutfully, I don't want to say yes, I'm not ready to get into something I'm not sure about. I don't want to get involved in something that will hurt others. Especially entering into a relationship, even maybe, Jungkook is single, or he didn't do those things to me, it never crosses my mind to be his boyfriend. The feelings are there but that's it. I'm afraid of commitment, I'm afraid of being left behind eventually because relationships doesn't last forever, especially if he's not really for you and is only there temporarily for you. I don't want to get through that, I saw how my family broke apart, I saw how Dad disliked Mom, pushed her aside, how his feelings changes just like that.

But since he mentioned, friendly date, maybe saying yes won't hurt.

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