Chapter Thirteen

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Third Person's POV

Jungkook was caught off guard when he found the smaller outside of the House, Jimin glances at him and both shared a look to each other before Jungkook gave him a smile which made Jimin's heart flutters.

"Hey, you." Jungkook spoke, "I didn't expect you to show up." He said to the older male while staring at him intently, Jungkook noticed how Jimin averted his gaze from him, cheeks crimson red.

"Let's go?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded his head still refusing to meet his gaze, Jungkook found himself liking the way Jimin react around him, grinning from to ear to ear as he watch the older male.

While walking, Jungkook notices how Jimin throws him secret glances from time to time and smiling adorably while looking away. His innocent acts made him cuter though, Jungkook thought. They both stopped when the traffic light turns red.

When it turns green they both step up and Jimin yelp when a stranger bumped into him from behind. Jungkook protectively pull Jimin to his side, Jimin gazes at the stranger with annoyed look, he's an office worker and he's walking hurriedly Jimin's face softens.

Jimin felt his heart races so fast when he felt Jungkook's arm around him, Jungkook is looking at the smaller male with concern look.

"You okay?" Jungkook asked and Jimin only stared at Jungkook with mouth slightly open, Jungkook has to bit his lower lip to prevent himself from smiling.

Suddenly a loud beeping sound interrupted, both startled and broke away from each other. Jungkook instantly took Jimin's hand in his and pulled the smaller, running as they cross the street, as soon as they stop Jungkook let go of Jimin's hand.

"Are you that small for them not to see?" Jungkook asked amused panting, brows furrowed together and Jimin only smiled shyly in return.

"Poor you, had to deal with people bumping into you." Jungkook said jokingly, "Hey, don't take it seriously, I'm kidding." He added.

Jimin showed his phone, "You talk too much, let's go." Jungkook arched his brow and smirked.

"I think Jimin-hyung is annoyed." Jungkook tease and Jimin gave him a look before taking a step. Jimin smiled as he walk away, increasing his pace to hide the blush blooming across his face.

"Hey, wait for me!" Jungkook shouts, only then Jimin slowed down his pace.

"It's too early." Jungkook pointed as they step inside glancing at Jimin. The younger pouted when the latter was not listening, Jungkook grab Jimin's wrist to get his attention and Jimin blinked in surprise slowly gazing down at Jungkook's hand.

"Follow me." Jungkook instructed.

Jungkook brought the older in the bleacher, he looked for a good spot to sit on and guide Jimin. They are sitting next to each other as Jungkook spoke.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now