Chapter Fourteen

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Third Person's POV

Today is Sunday and Jimin is lying down on his bed while staring blankly at the ceiling, he rolled on his stomach and hide his face on his pillow.

He is smiling, It's been a whole week since Jimin accepted his friendship yet Jungkook still treat him the same way, thoughtful, careful and take good care of him. It was really unnecessary because for the reason he's a grown man but still Jungkook does it anyway.

A soft knock could be heard across the room and Jimin turned to look at the door.

"Jimin-ah! Come out now and let's eat!"

Jimin climbed off the bed immediately and walk outside. His Hyung already in the dining table, Jimin moved closer.

"Good morning, Jimin-ah!" Seokjin greets his brother with his cheerful tone, Jimin smiled.

"Good morning, Hyung." Jimin responded and his Hyung's reaction crack him up.

"Ah, why?" Jimin asked him even though Jimin knew the answer for that, Seokjin only stared the younger with wide eyes and mouth parted.

"No, nothing, go ahead and sit." Jimin sat down and when he felt his Hyung is still staring at him, Jimin lifted his head and their eyes met. Seokjin was the first one to look away. This is the second time Jimin acted like this around Seokjin, its very unusual and suspicious.

Jimin placed his hand over his stomach, he's full. He glances over his Hyung and offers to help.

"I'll wash the dishes, Hyung." Seokjin worriedly look at the smaller and moved forward. Seokjin touch Jimin's forehead expression puzzled.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked him giggling because he finds it funny.

"Jimin-ah, no offence but did you get possessed?" Jimin furrowed his brows.

"What is this? What the hell is happening to you? Am I dreaming?" Jimin only gave him a strange look before cracking a small and genuine smile, Jimin pushes his older brother lightly and walk past him to wash the dishes.

After washing it, Jimin went to his room but stopped midway when Seokjin blocked his way, Jimin looked at him confused.

"Jimin-ah, do you wanna go out with Hyung?" Jimin raises his brow, "Let's have a date, brotherly date, I miss you." Jimin pressed his lips together and only stare at his Hyung, thinking if he has something else to do, he's certain there is, of course school works but this is the first time Seokjin invited him and Jimin wanted to accept his offer.

"Pretty please?"


Seokjin jumped in happiness and the younger sibling only stared at him with strange look.

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