Chapter Forty Three

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Third Person's POV

Jimin stared down at his watch. Two hours had passed yet Jungkook still didn't comeback. And the older male felt that Jungkook is not going back for him. Jimin is pacing back and forth, he is terribly uneasy. Sadness swells in, he is disappointed. Jungkook clearly said he would come back but can Jimin trust his words? He should, but then his instinct says otherwise. Was it the fact that Jungkook was about to dive in for a kiss? Does he felt guilty for his girlfriend? If so, they should break up for having the urge to kiss another guy. They should part ways since Jungkook can't handle seeing him with Namjoon.

Jimin pulled his hair down in frustrations. Why does he have these thoughts? Where were those assumptions coming from? That Jungkook is indeed interested in him? Jungkook never said that, he only told Jimin that he couldn't bear looking at him with Namjoon there must be another reason for that and Jungkook clearly didn't dive in for a kiss, maybe it's all in his head, and he was just assuming things.

Jimin felt his chest tightens. He is only hurting himself. He then looked at the door with hurtful expression; he stepped forward and opened the door. The smaller male was hoping to see the younger at the hallway but he sees no one, another wave of disappointment splashes into him. Jimin hurriedly went to the elevator and pressed the ground floor button.

Jimin met Jungkook when he reached the ground floor area. He was stepping outside the elevator when he noticed him standing as he waits for the door to open. He's too surprise that the only thing he did was stare at the younger male.

Jimin didn't miss how Jungkook is looking at him with disappointment. Jimin clearly did not trust his words, and that's how Jungkook see it.

"Jimin-hyung." It wasn't a question, he is calling the latter tone low and sad. Jimin kept his mouth shut as he didn't know what to say. He averted his gaze and looked at the paper bag he was holding. Jimin felt embarrassed and guilty.

Jimin has no idea who initiated it first but they were holding each other's hands inside the elevator as they waited to reach their floor. Jungkook pulled him as he step outside, they both went inside their room. Jungkook stayed silent, let go of Jimin's hand and placed the paper bag on top of the bedside table. His back is facing the older, he is bigger yet he looked so small right now, and Jimin knew he hurt him.

"I thought... I really thought you left and won't come back. I didn't mean to..." Jimin bit his bottom lip, "Look, I did wait okay? It's just I panic and at that moment I decided to just leave." Jimin tries to reason out, hoping Jungkook would listen to him.

"You have every right to not believe my words and I don't blame you for that." Jungkook said and faces the older. He is not looking at Jimin with cold gaze unlike what he had imagined, he looked rather sad and that made Jimin heart clenched.

"I was looking for an open store, I didn't notice I've gone too long." Jungkook said apologetically and that made Jimin felt guilty even more and he want to burst, he really felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Jungkook." Jimin said to him. Jimin doesn't like him to look like this, he look so sad and Jimin would rather feel those.

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