Chapter Thirty Six

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Third Person's POV

Jimin opened his older brother's room only to find it empty, a nurse suddenly stopped and looked at the young man.

"The patient was discharged the other day." He said, Jimin frowned and looked at her. "But Nurse, he's scheduled to discharge today." Jimin clarifies.

"The patient, insisted to discharged, we didn't allow him from doing so but he insisted and signed a waiver. Isn't he your brother why don't you know?" Jimin was suddenly hurt by what the Nurse said to him.

Jimin bowed to her and hurriedly walked away in front of the Nurse. Jimin checked his phone as he made his way out, no messages, no calls from Seokjin. Maybe Seokjin was staying at Dad or Mom's House, he thought silently.

"It's okay, he's thinking about my studies. I'm graduating soon." Jimin said to himself, holding himself back not to think negatively and hurt himself.

Jimin walked outside the building saying it was all okay but then his emotions were betraying him as his tears starts to stream down his face. He finally get outside, looking up at the sky,

"Ah, seriously." He hisses irritated at why he's such a cry baby. He was frustrated about knowing he had played himself, hurting Jungkook and now he's hurt because his brother didn't even bother on telling him about his whereabouts.

"Oh!" Jimin stopped and looked ahead of him, his tears were blurring his vision. He wiped it off and stared again.

"Right! It's you!" Jimin frowned, "Do you still remember me?" Jimin frown deepened.


Jimin never showed up to his class and just went to watch out for Jungkook. He remembered he once told Jungkook that he would make it up to him when he stood him. Now he would use that as a reason to talk to him and apologize for what he did.

"Were you waiting for someone?" Jimin was surprised when he noticed Namjoon in front of him. Namjoon smiled as Jimin remained silent.

"I'll give you a ride back home." He said to the young man and Namjoon seemed to notice Jimin's hesitation. "Ah, I see, you're waiting for him." He stated and averted his eyes. "All right, I'll go first then." He said in a sad tone, Jimin suddenly felt guilty and spoke.

"W-wait," He looked at the hallway in case he would find Jungkook, but when he didn't see him, he looked at Namjoon again. "I was waiting for Hoseok-hyung," He lied, Namjoon's face suddenly lit up.

"I'll come with you." He said and stood beside Namjoon, they walked out together— and Jungkook saw both of them walked away.

"Thanks for the ride."

Namjoon smiled at him in response, Jimin waved at him before Namjoon closed the car window. Jimin pretended to close the gate but when he saw Namjoon had already left he hurriedly opened the gate and ran out, to get back at Jungkook.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now