Chapter Twenty One

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Third Person's POV

"Ah," Jimin heard his voice. "So you were tired." Jungkook added.

Jimin felt his presence near him and assumed Jungkook crouched down. Jimin didn't open his eyes and pretended he didn't hear him and made the younger think he's sleeping.

Jungkook brushed Jimin's locks, "Thought you were bothered by something, looks like you just need a rest." 

Jimin heard Jungkook's phone vibrates and the younger immediately took the phone call. Jimin clenches his fist.


"Sorry, I showered earlier, I didn't mean to ignore your message."

"Mom, come on," Jungkook says chuckling. Then Jimin heard him walks away, he opened his eyes and saw him walked across the room, probably going outside.

"Stop being childish, we already talked few hours ago."

Jimin heard his voice getting smaller and smaller until he can't hear him anymore. Then it hit Jimin and squealed internally, kicking his feet in the air. It's too late when he realize he wasn't in bed. Jimin fell down on the floor giggling, he looked up at the ceiling with a broad smile in his face.  He was talking to his Mom, the I miss you part was for his Mom.

Jimin closed his eyes, smile still haven't fade away, finally his heart felt lighter now. 

"Why..." Jimin paused when he heard that, Jimin quickly glance over him. "Are you on the floor?" Namjoon continued with troubled expression.

Suddenly Jungkook showed behind him, Jungkook's eyes widened and quickly walked past Namjoon. Jimin only followed Jungkook's movement as he heads directly to him. Jungkook pulled him into a sitting position while Jimin's eyes still focus on him he was in daze, Jungkook had his hand around his arm while the other was on his back.

"Did you fell while sleeping?" Jungkook asked tone amused, Jimin smiled, with that Jungkook laughed.

Jungkook guided the older to sit back on the couch, they both sat there and Jimin still couldn't get over how Jungkook's hand was still on his back, Jungkook shifted his gaze only then Jimin threw Namjoon a glance as well who was just standing there and observing the two. Namjoon had his eyes fix on Jimin with unreadable expression.

"Are you with Hoseok-hyung?" Jungkook asked, Namjoon's jaw tightens, shooting a glare.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now