Chapter Twenty Five

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Third Person's POV

"I'll see you in lunch, I'll go first."

Jimin is debating if he should go meet them or not. He sighed and shook his head. He couldn't decide. Maybe it's better to not show up.


Jimin is walking towards the gate but stopped when he step on a stone. He took a step back and looked down, he stared at it for a moment and without so much thought he kicked it with force, putting all of his frustration on the stone.


Jimin flinches at the sound, he looked up. Namjoon touches his back and turned to face the person who hit him. Namjoon's expression instantly changes.

"What do you think you are doing?" The taller male asked. Jimin stayed rooted in his place, eyes glued on Namjoon. The other male raised a brow.

"After giving you an offer, this is how you repay me?" Jimin frowned, processing what Namjoon had said. Offer? When? He curiously asked himself.

"Give you a ride whenever you need." Jimin's eyes widened. "I see you remember now." Namjoon pointed boastful.

That's not exactly what he said, Jimin didn't know that's what he meant by his text. His text... Jimin didn't expect it was him, even forgot about it until Namjoon mentioned it.

"Go ahead and type something, I'm curious what you are thinking right now." Jimin obliged. He took out his phone and start typing.

Namjoon is just staring, observing him. Namjoon's lips twitch upward but as soon as Jimin lifted his head it was gone. Jimin move a step forward making Namjoon nervous a little, only stopping when they are few inches apart.

"I don't remember agreeing."

Namjoon looked defeated, smirk crept into the younger's face. Jimin gave him a hand sign that he's off to go, when he's positive that Namjoon has nothing left to say he walk past him, satisfied.

Namjoon quickly turn his head to look at him and swiftly move towards the younger, it wasn't hard for him to reach him considering he has long legs compare to Jimin's short ones. Namjoon smirk and grab the younger's wrist. He heard Jimin let out a small gasp and thought it was cute.

Jimin turned to look at him with his mouth hanging open. Cute, he thought.

"It's the thought that counts." Namjoon said tone serious though deep down inside he wants to laugh at his silliness, he's embarrassing himself. Even him, couldn't believe he's actually doing this for Jimin's attention.


Namjoon was out of it, Jimin wasn't having it and he shoves his phone on Namjoon's face. The latter got startled and leaned backward. He read Jimin's message.

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