Chapter Fifty Six

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Third Person's POV

Jimin slowly opened his eyes, Jungkook was not beside him. Jimin smiled while looking at the empty space where Jungkook slept last night. He turned his head and picked up his phone from his bedside table.

He looked at the phone screen and saw the time: 7:59 am. He got up and yawned. He climbed off the bed and walked outside his room. He went straight to the kitchen. He was expecting to see Jungkook, but there was no trace of him there. He tried to remember if the younger male had mentioned anything about leaving early, but he was positive that there was none.

"Jungkook-ah?" Jimin tries to call him out, but no one answers. He thought that maybe he was just outside watering his plant, so he immediately went outside.

He didn't see him outside. "Is he pranking me?" Jimin asked himself. He laughed it off and just went inside.

Jimin made himself a cup of hot chocolate. He placed it on the table and decided to get his phone that was inside his room. He unlocked his phone and walked back towards the kitchen and scroll through it.

He pressed the home button and saw the two notifications in his imessage. He tapped it and saw the text messages for him. Yoongi is one of them, and below his message was Jungkook's name. Jimin quickly opened Jungkook's message to him.

At 3:25 am, he messaged him with, "I'm sorry."

Jimin was surprised by what he read, he was confused and was about to reply when he remembered that they slept at 11 pm. Does that mean he left earlier? Jimin sat down and took his mug, sipping his hot chocolate as he re-read Jungkook's message.

"Was he sorry because he had to leave early? Cute." Jimin said and moved on to Yoongi's message.

"Are you sure about this? You won't be seeing him again." Jimin furrowed his brows. He tried to read it again, but he didn't really understand it. Jimin bit his lower lip and decided to call Yoongi.

"Jimin-ah, I'm leaving the house now. Have you changed your mind?" Yoongi asked him on the other line. Do we have a plan that I didn't know about? He thought to himself.

"Hyung, I called because I was wondering what your message was about?" There was a long pause, Jimin was scratching his head.

"Hoseok said, you're not going so." Jimin laughed, "Where are we going, Hyung?" He asked him, amused.

"Hold on, Jimin-ah. Did I just heard you laugh? What goes on? Aren't you supposed to feel sad about him leaving, you two are close." Jimin's smile faded.

"Who's leaving?"

"Jungkook. Don't tell me you didn't know about this? Are you serious? Then why did Hoseok— okay Jimin-ah, I'll drop by your House, just be ready, I'm going to hang up."

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