Chapter Fifty Nine

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Jimin's POV

I woke up with my head too heavy. I blindly searched for my phone, and when I found it, I looked at the time. I felt myself smiling as the wallpaper on my phone popped up. I recently changed it to a photo of us with our cheeks pressed against each other.

"Morning." I greeted softly, while looking at his face. I dropped my phone and forced myself to sit up.

I climbed off the bed and planted my feet on the floor, and there I focused my attention. I looked around my whole room. This is the first time it caught my attention. My room is a whole mess, it looks like it has been abandoned and no one is living inside. For a moment, something pierced my head, so I closed my eyes tightly. I adjusted from the pain and manage to get up and leave the room.

I went straight to the kitchen, and sees the mess I made. Empty bottles of alcohol were scattered on the table. I looked at the sink; there were piles of glasses to wash. I sighed heavily. I ignored them and went straight to the refrigerator. It was empty except for the bottled water inside.

My hand fell on my forehead before taking the bottled water, and I immediately drank it to quench my thirst. I drank it whole, then went straight to the chair and sat there. I pulled myself together, withholding the pain inside my head, before running my fingers through my hair.

I took a deep breath. It had been five days... Five days since he left. I did nothing but lock myself in the bedroom or drink alcohol. This is the first time I came out of the room this early and the first time I felt really hungry.

I immediately opened my phone and ordered online. It said, it would take 30 minutes before the food would be delivered, so I busied myself by spacing out.

Until the delivery guy called my phone, I ordered him to enter since the gate was not locked and instructed him to leave the food outside the door. When he was gone, I immediately opened the door and took the food. I know I looked disgusting, so I didn't bother to show up myself.

I put the container on the table and got rid of the bottles. I sat down immediately and opened the tupperware, took the chopsticks and ate. I hummed in satisfaction, nodding to myself.

I stopped eating and slowly munched my food. I just stared at the food. I can't explain it, but I immediately lost my appetite and all of a sudden I was spacing out again.

"You won't be full if you keep doing that."

In one snap, I heard his voice in my head. I gulped and I ate as if someone would take my food away. I didn't mind how fast I was feeding myself as long as I filled my stomach with food. As the sadness inside of me grew, I forced myself to swallow the food. Not long enough, my tears started to flow. I ignored that and chewed my food and swallowed it while wiping my tears with my sleeves.

"Why the hell is this food making me cry?" I complained while chewing my food. I dropped my chopsticks harshly and hid my face behind my wrists as I wailed in tears.

I inhaled deeply and shook my head. I took the chopsticks again and ate it again. I finished off my food and immediately threw the container in the bin.

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