Chapter Three

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Third Person's POV

Jimin stopped immediately when he saw him walking outside his house. He stared at him until he got out.

Am I seeing things, were my eyes tricking me? The smaller male thinks.

He's living here? Since when? Jimin realizes they are not in the same subdivision but Jimin always passes by their house, surprisingly not once he saw him here! Just at this moment!

Jimin resumed walking while tailing him behind and it appears they have the same Schedule because they are always walking together. Jimin lowered down his gaze and tightly grip on his sling bag.

His eyes glued on his own shoes watching his steps and got confused when suddenly the person in front of him stops walking, Jimin tilted his head up and look at his direction.

Jimin was in complete shock when the said male turned to look at him. He is looking straight into Jimin's eyes and straight up made Jimin feel nervous.

Jimin didn't look away and chose to hold on though he's panicking inside.

Finally he tore his gaze from the smaller male and Jimin found himself catching his own breath, he didn't notice he stop breathing when their eyes met. Jimin didn't know what that stare means but it sure has strong effect to him.

Jimin placed his hand over his chest because until now the nervousness he felt earlier didn't leave him. Jimin glances up at his away the other male is now far from where he is which made Jimin resumes walking.

Even though the other male was leading earlier, Jimin catch up. They are now waiting to cross the street and Jimin looks like a statue behind him because of how stiff he was.

They went in to their University at the same and Jimin rashes to his class, didn't even dare to look back at the other male. As soon as he went inside, he sat on the last row, pulled out a pen and notes and try to busied himself.

Jimin is restless until he gives up, dropped the pen he's holding and covered his face.


Why can't Jimin get off him out of his mind? Till now he's thinking about what happen earlier. He kept on recalling every single detail, the way that person stare at Jimin and how those stare affects Jimin.

"Good Morning class!"

Jimin was caught off guard and whipped his head to look around him. He was shock when he saw his classmates already inside.

Jimin tried erasing him off his mind and focused on today's discussion.


Jimin went outside and headed towards the Restroom. He got inside and checked himself on the mirror he fixes his hair but stops when his eyes landed on Taehyung's reflection.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now