Chapter Fifty Eight

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Third Person's POV

Jimin is sitting with his back leaning on the edge of the bed, looking at Jungkook's last message.

"I'm sorry."

No matter how much he looks back, no matter how much he refreshes, his last message is still what he sees. He had been waiting for his texts, or even his calls, for about 19 hours. By now, he knew Jungkook was in the states already. Sadly, there is nothing.

He knew he was waiting for nothing, really. Maybe he was just this desperate, so even though it was impossible, he was hopeful.

His eyes were swollen, his chin rested on his knee as he stared intently at the screen of his phone. He had stopped crying for a while, because there were no more tears in his eyes, but the pain in his heart stayed with him. He was enduring it all silently, by himself.

He appreciated Hoseok's gesture, but he knew that the pain and sadness he felt would not leave him even if they were there for him. Words aren't enough; they won't heal his broken heart.

Jimin shook his head and opened his gallery instead, looking at the pictures one by one. Jimin tapped it to make it bigger, and suddenly his face lit up at what he saw. He had this small smile on his face as he stared at the young man's face. Every swipe at the pictures made his heart ache, because he knew he would never be able to be this close again unless Jungkook decided to come back for him. For now, he would just entertain himself with the memories they had made and left for him.

He had a smile painted on his lips until the video clip he took when they were in Naksan Park came out and he played it.

He saw the way they had their cheeks pressed against each other, staring cutely at the camera. Slowly, his smile faded from his lips, and he felt his eyes brimming with tears.

"Say, hi."

"Hi." He said, playing along cutely.

In the video, Jimin watches as Jungkook presses a kiss on his cheek before pulling away. Jimin averts his gaze while Jungkook is still staring at him. His chest clenched until it was difficult to breathe. The younger was staring at him as if he was his world, that he could see nothing but Jimin.

It hurts so much to look at it. Jungkook loves him, and it hurts him because he knows he's not the only one hurting right now.

"You have look at the camera."

"No. You're the only one I want to look at."

With that, the video ended. He dropped his phone and covered his face with his hands.

"Fuck." He curses under his breath.

He quickly wiped away his tears and stood up. Jimin suddenly felt dizzy, so he decided to sit on the bed first, one hand holding his head. He inhaled sharply and slowly opened his eyes, but his vision was still very blurry.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now