Chapter Thirty Eight

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Third Person's POV

Jungkook pauses when he felt the warmth embraced of the older and Jungkook felt his heart pounding harder than ever. Jungkook presses his face on the older's neck, inhaling sharply. They stayed with that position and no one dares to talk. While Jimin's tears still pouring down, and the younger could hear his faint sobs.

Jimin softly pat the younger's back, though he's the one who's shaking. Jimin pressed his eyes shut tightly before allowing himself to pull away from him. He had his face down and took a step away, Jimin turned on his heels and quickly leaves.

Jimin is sobbing as he strolled away.

Jimin sobbed as he walked away, carrying the pain he was feeling. He was holding on so much even though he badly wanted to collapse, he felt like his heart was being squeezed and he was having a hard time maintaining his breathing in extreme pain.

Jungkook did not waste time and followed the older. Jimin had a soft spot for him and clearly Jungkook was taking advantage of Jimin's kindess, he is aware that it's wrong but Jungkook can't stand the thought of being hated by the older, being away from him. This time it's not because of Namjoon, it wasn't like before, he doesn't know what had changed in him but the moment Jimin told him off, asking him to stay away, his heart twisted in unbearable pain, he panic and rushed to tell him he was sorry. Jungkook never told anyone this sincerely, he must be really scared earlier.

Jungkook saw the older stopped, the younger followed where he was staring at, and they both stared at the place where Jungkook brought the older.Where he invites him over and rode a bike together, cause he thought Jimin would be lonely.

Jimin smiled bitterly, Jungkook was so worried for him when he jumped over, he was scared for the older and Jimin felt that.

Jimin looked away, that was not the only moment that Jungkook actually showed he cares, they were a lot, but which one was the real and not? Jimin can't now distinguish what's real and not and thinking all of the things they shared weren't real, it's tearing him into pieces.

Setting aside what he truly feels about the younger, Jimin is deeply hurt because the friendship they build wasn't real. Doesn't he have the right to be happy? Why do things eventually fall down when he finally let himself be happy at once?

He calculated everything in his mind, he knew everything could go wrong when you let yourself get attach to someone and expected how it would end like but not with Jungkook.

Not him.

Jungkook is watching the older as he gazed away, Jungkook is assuming, that Jimin was thinking about the time he invited him over and ended up both saving a stranger.

Was he questioning Jungkook's concern for him? Jungkook remembers how scared he was, honestly he cared for him, it was to waste time him he said, but he cares, he did actually, his intention suddenly changes when he thought Jimin played him. Can he blame the older? He has the right to question everything.

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