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Jimin's POV

I was running, trying to catch up. I'm 5 minutes away from being late. I enrolled in a review center for the upcoming licensure exam. I don't trust myself to be able to do that with self-study, so I took this class.

When the traffic light turned green, I walked quickly and took a cab across the street. I said the address and I was immediately taken there. I know no one will get mad if I'm late, but it's a pity because I will miss the first part of the lesson.

I stepped out of the car and looked at the building where our classroom is. It wasn't a big building, unlike in my college. It was only designed for one class, actually. It's only a half-day class, so we still have time to brainstorm and self-study on the later part.

When I entered, the class had just started. I smiled at the professor, who looked the same age as me, but he's actually four years older than me. He just nodded and motioned for me to sit. I nodded my head and sat down, pulling out my notes in the process.

I was devoted to the class because I wanted to pass the exam. That's it. After the class, all the students left. I was about to leave when Professor Hyungsik grabbed my arm. My jaw tightened and I exhaled before I looked at him while smiling.

"Park Jimin-ssi." He said, and I looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, professor?" I asked him. "You have a topic you missed. Do you want me to discuss it with you?" I blinked my eyes. I thought the class just started when I got here, is he lying to me now? I blinked and smiled at him eventually.

"N-no, it's okay." I replied, "Thank you, Prof." I bowed at him and left the classroom. It's not new to other students that he is interested in me, and I don't want to fuel it, so as much as possible, I want to avoid him.

I took the bus. I want to lengthen the time of my trip before I get home. I used to want to go home as much as possible and lock myself in the bedroom, but that has changed. Now I prefer to sit on the bus, lean my head against the glass window, and think of anything, absolutely anything.

Six months...

It has been six months since Jungkook left me. The first three months were hell for me. I was still crying for him. The pain and regrets were still there. I was dealing with it literally every day. I was at the stage where I thought I would never get through it. I thought I would go crazy eventually, but look at me now. I was able to stand up and continue my life, though I was still struggling at some point.

Because I knew Jungkook wouldn't appreciate that, I smiled because of that. I wondered how he was. I hope he's doing well. For the past six months, I have heard nothing from him. He didn't even contact me, but I didn't lose hope. I always think positively, that he's going to come back for me.

Before, I was also clouded with negative thoughts that maybe because of their baby, they decided to start their family, but as time passed by, I learned to let go of that. He returned to the state for his child. I was the one he loved, the one in his heart before he left, and that cannot be changed.

If It Is You [Jikook/Kookmin] || English VerWhere stories live. Discover now