Chapter Forty Seven

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Third Person's POV

Jimin is sitting on the bed as he overthink about Hoseok telling Namjoon what he had saw. The door slides open and Jimin looked at the person standing in the doorway.

"Let's go." Hoseok says and Jimin stared at him confused him. "I told Namjoon you are coming with me to check the flowers here in Ilsan." That made the younger confuse despite that Jimin walked over him. When he was close enough, Hoseok held his wrist and yank him outside.

Jimin follows him silently inside the car. They are both seated in the front seat, he kept on looking at the older with the same expression.

"Relax," Hoseok says, "Jungkook asked me to bring you to hospital to get your hand check, and to avoid suspicions he stayed with Namjoon's parents." He said.

"He didn't have to." Jimin whispers. Hoseok laughs. "That kid is worried about you, let him be." He explains.

Jimin chose to stay silent till they reached the Hospital. They headed straight to the Emergency room. They acted really quickly and the Doctor examined his hand. He only advised the Nurse to stitch the cut. Jimin was third in line as they have patients to assist before him.

"Excuse me." Hoseok tells him and then he left, while Jimin sitting in front of the Minor OR, waiting for his turn.

Hoseok came back but the first patient still inside. Hoseok tap the younger's shoulder to get his attention. Jimin looked at him expectantly.

"Jungkook called, I think he's planning to get in here." Jimin left speechless, he's astonished yet he pretended it didn't affect him. Jimin force himself to keep the happiness he is feeling now within himself.

"He didn't have to." Jimin said.

"I told him that myself but you know words aren't enough to stop him." At this, Jimin smiled at the older.

"I'll go and get you food." Jimin nodded. He watched as the older walked away, Jimin cannot stop himself from grinning. Even the nurses, the patients close to him notices that.

The first patient inside the Minor OR finally walked outside, the second patient went in. It took 15 minutes before the 3rd patient entered the Minor OR.

Ten minutes had passed, the patient was still inside. It was a kid, the poor kid's cries echoed across the room. He must be terrified. It was the parents fault why the kid is here, they want babies yet can't even properly take care of them.

"Park Jimin-ssi?" Jimin looked at the Nurse and there he saw Jungkook standing behind her. God damnit, he looked breathtaking. He was wearing a black leader jacket, with a black cap.

"Someone's looking for you." The Nurse informed him and left, Jungkook move his head to the side and smiled at him.

"Hey." Jimin had his mouth shut. He forgot how to talk. He was really mesmerized at Jungkook's visual, why does he look so attractive? He's lost for words.


"J-- Jungkook." Jimin stuttered. Jungkook walked towards him and stood in front. He cupped both of the smaller's cheeks, delicately. "Nervous?" Jimin couldn't talk for some reason.

"Do you want me to accompany you inside?" Jungkook asked him worriedly but Jimin kept silent. He is internally scolding himself for that.

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