Chapter Thirty

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Third Person's POV


Jimin was smiling with his eyes closed, he was laying down the field, it was too bright for him to open his eyes. He was hearing Hoseok's voice calling his name, he knew it was all inside his head but couldn't help but to smile.

"Jimin-ah," Jimin chuckles he was overdoing it, he's making a cute sound as well.

Suddenly everything around him became dark, he was confused and opened his eyes and saw them staring down at him and by the means of them, Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung.

Jimin screamed in horror and accidentally swat Hoseok's face. Jimin crawled backward and looked at them, they were crouching down as he stared at him but there was someone's legs that was standing behind the them that caught Jimin's attention, he slowly looked up and saw Jungkook, he's staring at Jimin as well.

"Yah, yah, don't think of running away from us." Hoseok warned.

"We are not mad at you, there's nothing like that." Yoongi explained but Jimin's attention were on Jungkook.

Jungkook wave his hand on him while Jimin still staring at him. Taehyung observes him for awhile and followed where Jimin was looking at, he ends up staring at Jungkook, a smirk starts playing in his lips while Namjoon had his eyes on Jimin.

Jimin blinked his eyes and shook his head, now coming into his senses, Jungkook smiled and both looked away at the same time.

"Now what, Jimin? We are not mad at you hence stop ignoring us and join us." Hoseok tells him, Jimin just stared at him.

Yoongi chuckles as they didn't get any response, he stood up and moved towards the younger and offered a hand for him.

"Or you want us to be mad for real if you're not going to join us?" Jimin's eyes slowly stared down at Yoongi's hand, Jimin smiled and accepts it.

Yoongi pulled him up, Hoseok was clapping and the rest was just staring at Jimin. Jungkook secretly glanced at Jimin and the older coincidently looks at his way, their gazes met and Jimin was the first one to look away and awkwardly scratch his forehead.

"I'm happy that we settled this misunderstanding." Hoseok said, "I knew you misses me, you had a huge smile when I called you." Hoseok joked as he bumped his shoulder on Jimin.

"Just say it, you like me, right? You like me." Jimin chuckles and shook his head, Hoseok's smile fell down real quick and heard Namjoon laughing from behind, they were all looking at him.

Namjoon pauses, he looks at them with straight face, confused.

Yoongi laughed at him and everyone starts laughing as well, even Jimin.

Hoseok was holding onto Jimin's arm as they head outside the Uni, they invited Jimin to eat, as they misses him and it's Namjoon's treat as Hoseok said.

"I'll go first, I'll be meeting Seokjin." Taehyung blurted out, trying to have an eye contact with Jimin but failed to do so because Jimin is purposely ignoring him, Taehyung rolled his eyes and Namjoon didn't missed that, he stared at Jimin instead. Jimin busies himself with Hoseok though the latter was only blabbering nonsense.

As he left, Hoseok bump Jimin's shoulder to tease him, "And you, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" He asked and Jimin ignored him.

"That's too personal, Hoseok-ah." Yoongi said not amuse.

"Are you shy? You can just whisper to me."

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